CAP Golf 5 & 6, David Berdahl, Page 1

Golf 5 & 6

Submitted by: David Berdahl


I was with Golf 5 and Golf 6 in 1967 and early part of 1968. I don't have many pictures but I have notices we don't have any flicks for Golf aside from the rosters, which were very nice to see. Given my I photo program I will be sendning you about 5 or 6 pictures one at a time. Hope you don't mind.

Best Regards and thanks again for this fine site

David Berdahal, USMC

CAP Golf 5, Summer Of 1967

David Berdahl, CAP Golf 5, Summer Of 1967

Northern View From CAP Golf 5, Summer Of 1967

My position at north tower in Golf 6 Autumn of 67

Inside the small compound of Golf 5 summer of 67

This picture is from Golf 6. The supply truck for the unit down the road would routinely stop and drop us off some steaks.

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