E-Mail List
By Unit |
Last Updated: 17 Nov 2021
Time: 0635 EST
Most of the e-mail addresses are out of date. However, the Units/Members information is important, so I am leaving the roster up. I will be correcting e-mails as I receive them over the next few weeks.
If you can provide the information requested, I would appreciate it. Send to: Tim "CAPVet" Duffie
CAC/CAP Veterans Listed Without Unit Numbers
1st. CAG
/ 2nd. CAG/ 3rd. CAG/ 4th. CAG
CAC/CAP Marines/Corpsmen Listed With Unit Numbers
1st CAG / 2nd CAG / 3rd CAG / 4th CAG
Alpha / Bravo / CAC 1 / Charlie / CUPP / Delta / Echo / Foxtrot / Golf
Hotel / India / Kilo
Ky Hoa / Lima / MTT / November / Oscar / Papa / Quebec / Romeo / Sierra / Tango / Tiger
Krulak, Victor, CG, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific (FMFPac)
Brady, Byron CAP Director, 67-68
Broad, R. CAP Deputy Director
Cooney, John CAP Language School Director
Corson, LtCol. W. R. CAP Director, 66-67
Cronin, Walt 1st.CAG
Danowitz, Edward F. CAP Director, 1968
Dusenbery, Mike, CAG HQ, 1970
La Prade, Garland CAP School, 69-90
Huffman, Grueen W. "Mike", CAP HQ, 8Aug69-22Feb70
Lehr, James W., Jr., CAP Headquarters, DaNang, 67-68
Lochridge, Willard CAP School
Lucas, Col. A. F. CAP Deputy Director
McGonigal, Richard CAP School
Moore, Capt. William T., S-4, CAF HQ, 69-70
Moss, George CAP School
Nowicki, Capt. Norbert J.
Sommers, David W. (Later: Sgt. Major of Marine Corps)
Wenzel, Rupert, Jr. CAP Corpsman
Segal, Alan Language School, Danang, 67-68
Whitesell, Robert CAP XO
Adler, Ron, 1st. CAG, 69-70
Alvarez, Alberto
Beckmann, Norman J., 1st. CAG
Benson, Jim "Tripwire" 1st. CAG, 1st. Recon, TAD
Bernal, Richard D., 1st. CAG, 67-69
Bourque, Sulie 1st. CAG HQ, 69-70
Buerkle, David 1st. CAG (Binh Son)
Cantonwine, Steven 1st. CAG
Castellano, Richard, 1st. CAG, 1967
Cupsta, Frank
Decker, David, 1st. CAG, 1971
DeVaney, Frank 1st. CAG
Dickson, John M., 1st. CAG Supply, 67-68
Fenstermacher, Terry Bin San, Chu Lai, Phuoc Hoa
Cranmer, Foster, Sgt., KIA December 6, 1969, 2nd CAG HQ, Panel 15W, Line 031
Gaeta, Louis Chu Lai
Hagler, John A., Asst. S3, 1st. CAG, 69-70
Hellums, David 1st. CAG S-3, 69-70
Hill, Tom 1st. CAG
Johnson, David, Jr., 1st. CAG, 69-70
Lama, Stephen J. 1st. CAG, 66-67
Lynch, Richard, 1st. CAG
Miller, Kenneth, 1st., CAG, 69-70
Mazzeo, Edward 1st. CAG, CUPP
McCowan, Michael Q., 1st. CAG, 68-69
McCrady, Thomas, 1st. CAG, 69-70
Metje, Steve, Civil Affairs, 1st. MAW, MAG 11, 67-68
Moses, Preston, 1st. CAG, 1966
Rivenes, David M., 1st. CAG, 68-69
Rock, Dennis 1st. CAG, Sub Unit #2, 66-67
Ruiz, Jose R., 1st. CAG
Sherman, David 1st. CAG, Ky Hoa Island, 1966
Steiner, Rich 1st. CAG Floater, 69-70
Storey, Jimie, 1st. CAG Hdq.
Tice, Ken, 1st. CAG HQ, 1969
Widger, Richard O., Chu Lai
Zunino, Rick "Doc", 1st. CAG, 1968
Anderson, John A.
Asbury, James E., Golf, Foxtrot, MTT, 67-68
Balanco, John J. Alpha
Beith, David
Blackford, John M. SSgt, KIA June 7, 1969, 2nd. CAG
Blankenship, Robert 2nd. CAG
Boggan, Bruce, 2nd. CAG HQ, 69-70
Bundy, Ken, 2nd. CAG, 67-68
Chance, Paul, 2nd. CAG, 1971
Axel Christiansen
2nd. CAG, CAC 2, 1969
Clark, Steve, 2nd. CAG HQ, 68-70
Coleman, Ron Da Nang
Coon, John L., 2nd. CAG, 67-68
Cree, David C., 2nd CAG April - May 1970)
Crocker, Robert 2nd. CAG
Cronin, Walt 2nd. CAG
Cross, Michael D. 2nd. CAG
Daube, John A. 2nd. CAG, Corpsman
Davis, Jon 2nd. CAG, Corpsman
Forsyth, Charles Caffery, 2nd. CAG, 69-70
Douglas, Frederick "Rick", 2nd. CAG, 66-67
Doyon, Michael 2nd. CAG, Hoi An
Dusenbery, Mike, 2nd. CAG HQ, 1970
George, Jack 2nd. CAG
Gometz, Ron "Gator", 2nd. CAG HQ, 70-71
Hall, Frank., LCpl, KIA December 22, 1969, 2nd CAG HQ, Panel 15W, Line 081
Hall, Tim. 2nd. CAG, 1966
Hardin, Larry D. CAC Da Nang, 1966
Harrington, Bob, 2nd. CAG, 1971
Haynes, Dr. John F., Jr. Da Nang
Henry, Terry, 2n.d CAG, 1968
Holland, Freeman J., 2nd. CAG, Hoi An, 70-71
Gillis, Hudson An Hoi, China Beach, 67-68
Hutchinson, Don, HQ, 2nd CAG S-1, 68-69
Jobber, Roy Da Nang Hill 10
Johnson, Tom, 2nd. CAG, 1969
Jodway, Joseph Carlton, 2nd. CAG
Jolley, G. "Butch", III 2nd. CAG
Jones, Kenneth, 1st. Sgt., KIA April 23, 1970, 2nd CAG HQ, Panel 11W - Line 41
Jorda, Terry, 2nd. CAG, 67-68
Lehmann, Reeves, 2nd. CAG, 1968
Levin, Jerry 2nd. CAG HQ
Lockwood, Charles, 2nd. CAG (Tea
Luong?), 1970
Lyles, Jim, 2nd. CAG
Lynch, John 2nd. CAG
Mann, Gregory, 2nd. CAG, 1970
Milano, Joseph 2nd. CAG, Hoi An
Mistove, Victor Da Nang
Moore, Capt. William T. 2nd. CAG, S-4
Nelson, Robert, 2nd. CAG, 70-71
Nugent, Larry 2nd. CAG, S-3
O'Neill, Robert 2nd. CAG
O'Donnell, Richard 2nd. CAG, Dai Loc District
Orvis, Gerald 2nd. CAG, S-2/S-3
Pierce, Barry 2nd. CAG
Pittman, Milton, 2nd. CAG, 1966
Porter, Dennis Marble Mountain
Pulis, Peter M., 2nd. CAG, 1968
Quigley, Rod, 2nd. CAG, 70-71
Rinell, Mike, 2nd. CAG, Senior Corpsman, 69-70
Rodd, Douglas C.
2nd. CAG, Hoi An
Smith, David, LCpl, KIA December 20, 1969, 2nd CAG HQ, Panel 15W, Line 074
Suiter, Dale 2nd. CAG Tolnay, John 2nd. CAG, XO/CO
Thompson, Larry , 2nd. CAG, 68-70
Trosper, Don 2nd. CAG, 68-69
Wernig, Thomas G, 2nd. CAG, 1970
Young, Brock, 2nd. CAG
Walden, Alan 2nd. CAG, Dog Handler
Wicks, John 2nd. CAG
Wiklanski, T. 2nd. CAG
Williams, Ernest E. 2nd. CAG Corpsman
Williams, Roger, 2nd. CAG, 70-71
Adams, Brian L. "Bones", Phu Bai, 65-66
Adler, Ron, 3rd. CAG, 69-70
Allen, Eddie, 3rd. CAG, 1970
Barker, Robert, 3rd. CAG
Bennington, Bill, 3rd. CAG, 69-70
Cicchetto, Rod "Chic", 3rd. CAG, 68-69
Cubel, Robert, 3rd. CAG
Garcia, Bill, 3rd. CAG School
Garza, John, 3rd. CAG, 1968
Gray, Thomas, 3rd. CAG (AKA Thomas Borngraeber)
Green, Edward J., 3rd. CAG Hdq.
Grimsley, R. 3rd., CAG Hdq.
Grunder, William M., 3rd. CAG, Unit Unknown
Hall, Ronald A., 3rd CAG (Seabee), 68-69
Haynes, Dr. John F., Jr., Phu Bai
Jodway, Joseph Carlton, 3rd. CAG
Keiling, Ed, 3rd. CAG
Kennedy, William A., 3rd. CAG Corpsman
Koby, Jim, 3rd. CAG HQ
Lyles, Jim, 3rd. CAG
Lynch, Robert D., 3rd. CAG, 70-71
McLaughlin, Charles T., 3rd. CAG, 67-68
Migliorino, Charles, 3rd. CAG
Molchany, Larry, 3rd. CAG, 69-70
Noel, Arthur, 3rd. CAG
Norris, Philip F., 3rd. CAG
O'Neill, Daniel P.
Parker, Lou, 3rd. CAG
Payne, Ric, 3rd. CAG Hotel
Porter, Jim, 3rd. CAG
Ray, Richard, CAP 3rd CAG
Rivera, Joseph A., 3rd. CAG
Rivers, Larry W., 3rd. CAG
Schaefer, Paul, 3rd. CAG
Shea, Ed, 3rd. CAG, 1967
Shipp, Jim, 3rd. CAG, 67-68
Swanwick, George F, 3rd. CAG, 1968
Traino, Ronald, 3rd. CAG
Walsh, Pat, Coa Coa Island, 68-69
Whitesell, Robert, 3rd. CAG CO
Wicks, John, 3rd. CAG
Wiley, Herbert, 3rd. CAG
Williams, Roger, 3rd. CAG, 67-69
Wurn, James W, CAP 10, South of Phu Bai
Young, Ed, 3rd. CAG, 1967
Adler, Ron, 4th. CAG, 69-70
Ashworth, Michael
Barchers, Lloyd N.
Bill Bennington, 4th. CAG, 69-70
Beith, David
Bobrowsky, Igor, 4th. CAG
Bradley, Frank, 4th., CAG CO, 1969
Carter, William W., 4th. CAG, 1967
Christy, James Alvin (AKA Trust L. Israel), 4th. CAG, 67-68
Clement, Rich, 4th. CAG, 69-70
Courtney, Burt, 4th. CAG
Crafton, Clinton Lee, 4th CAG Corpsman, 69-70 (Died: April, 1996)
(Clinton Lee Crafton, Jr. would like to communicate with anyone who knew his father: Lee Crafton, Jr.)
Cree, David C., 4th CAG (January-April 1970)
Cross, Micahel D., 4th. CAG
Cubel, Robert 4th., CAG
Duncan, Gene, 4th. CAG, 1970
Evanosky, Paul, 4th. CAG
Faulkner, Danny R., 4th. CAG
Fleetwood, William, 4th. CAG, 1968
Foster, Tad, 4th. CAG
Greenwood, John E., 4th. CAG CO
Gross, Karl, Dog Handler, 4th CAG, 1969
Hall, Ronald A., 4th. CAG, 68-69
Heimiller, Jerry, 4th. CAG, 1968
Hellums, David, 4th. CAG OPS Chief
Henry, Jerry, 4th. CAG Hdq.
Holsten, Michael D., 4th. CAG 1969
Israel, Trust L, (AKA James Alvin Christy), 4th. CAG, 67-68
Jacobs, Tim, 4th. CAG Corpsman, 68-69
Lankford, W. Frank, 4th. CAG
Lebeau, Morton E., 4th. CAG
MacLeod, John R., 4th. CAG
Melton, Frank, 4th. CAG
Park, Chuck, 4th. CAG
Payne, Jerry, 4th. CAG, 68-69
Romo, Patrick, 4th. CAG
Rosado, J.R., 4th. CAG
Suares, Ivan, 4th. CAG, 68-69
Sullivan, Al T., 4th. CAG, 1968
Wilcox, Stanley, 4th. CAG, 1969
Williams, Roger, 4th. CAG, 67-69
Molina, Hilario B. Cai Loc, Dodge City, Happy Valley
Riley, Kenneth "Buzz" Sub Unit #4, Hdq. CO, Hq. Bn., CAC 10, Hue
Davenport, Ron TAD Sniper
Bills, Dusty, MTT 1, 3rd. CAG, 67-68
Casto, Ronald, CAC 1, 65-66
Cavagnol, Richard M., FO w/Phu Bai CAPs, 65-66
Cruz, Gil, CAC-3, 1967
DeBarr, Gary, CAC 1, 1967
East, Bill "Doc", CAC 1, 66-67
Greene, Thomas Owen, Cpl, KIA November 29, 1965, CAC 3, Panel 03E, Row 117
Jones, Philip H., CAP Alpha HQ, 67-68
Kensill, Kenneth, CAC 9, Loc Son, 65-66
Letson, Micheal, CAC 4
Martin, Claude, CAC 3, 65-66
Shipp, Jim, Alpha HQ, 67-68
Shylo, John, CAC 3, 66-67
Alpha 1: Thuy Luong Village (AKA CAC 3-1)
Carter, Jimmy Alpha 1
Cleary, Thomas
Colletti, Peter Alpha 1
Fritchey, Lyle, Alpha 1, 66-67
Green, Owen Thomas, Cpl. KIA January 11, 1968, CAC 3, Panel 03E, Row 117
Hardy, Robert Alpha 1
Lafrance, Bill, CAC 3, 1966-68
Martin, Claude, CAC 3, 65-66
Ratliff, Charles, CAC Alpha 1, April 66-Jan 67
Martin, Roger, CAC 3-1, 1965
Moore, Hunter, Alpha 1
Moorehead, Charles W. Alpha 1, 65-66
Mumley, Reginald
Nimmo, William F. Alpha 1, 67-68
Neilen, Fred Alpha 1-7
Orr, David B. Alpha 1, Jun 65/Dec 65
Ratliff, Charles, Alpha 1 (66-67)
Spalding, Charles, CAP Alpha 1 (AKA CAC 3-1), 1967
Thomas, Leo, Alpha 1, 67-68
Tsamardinos, Charlie, CAC 3-1, 69-70
Wiersum, Garry "Doc", CAP Alpha 1, 67-68
Wise, Elwin
Wright, Loren
Alpha 2: (AKA CAC 2, Phu Bai)
Anderson, Glenn M., Alpha 2
Burrell, Philip Edward, Cpl. KIA January 11, 1968, CAP Alpha 2, Panel 34E, Row 027
Cooney, John J., CAC2 (Dec65/Mar66)
Jones, Philip H.CAP Alpha 2, 67-68
Kinard, Don, Alpha 2
Kirksey, Carl R., CAC 2, 1966
Lofland, John H., CAP Alpha 2, 67-68
Lyles, Jim, CAP Alpha 2, 1967
Marshall, David E. CAC Alpha 2, 1968
(Note: this e-mail address is to Dave's son, Tim
Murphy, David Alpha 2
Points, Chuck "Doc", Alpha 2, 67-68
Pruitt, Frank
Sawyer, Wayne K., Alpha 2
Vallee, Mike, CAP Alpha 2, 1968
Walker, Ken, CAC Alpha 2, 1968
Alpha 3: Loc Bon/An Nong (AKA CAC 4 & Hotel 1)
NOTE: CAC 4, Alpha 3, and Hotel 1 have been more than a little confusing to me since I started the Web Site. All three designations are for the same unit contingent on the date. At the suggestion of Pete Nardie, I have combined all three rosters into one....with the designation given by each individual for his time frame. Still confusing....but not as much.
Brahm, Donald Pete, Alpha 3
Boggs, Greb, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Calderwood, Bob, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Carter, Jimmy, Alpha 3
Church, Dave, Alpha 3, 65-66
Coughlin, Kevin, Hotel 1, 67-68
Edmonds, Monzie Durrell, Pfc, KIA February 11, 1968, CAP Alpha 3, Panel 38E, Row 076
Eide, Kerry,CAC 4/Alpha 3 (Died, 2004)
Greer, John, Alpha 3, 1966
Dennis Gump, CAC4/Alpha 3, 65-66
Hendricks, Russ, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Jones, Casey, CAP Alpha 3, 1967
Kaminskis, Talis Hotel 1
Lafrance, Bill, CAP Alpha 3, 1967
LeBeau, Merton, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 65-66
Letson, Michael P., CAC 4/Alpha 3
Lux, Urban "Skip", CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1966
Marshall, David E., CAC Alpha 3, 1968
(Note: this e-mail address is to Dave's son, Tim Marshall)
Matricardi, Ed, Alpha 3
Mounts, Larcombe "Chip", Alpha 3, 66-67
Nardie, Pete, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Gonzales, Aurelio "speedy", Jr., Alpha 3, 1966
Sawyer, John R., CAC-4/Alpha 3, Jan-Sep, 1966
Schatzer, Lowell, Hotel 1
Schmaus, Leroy D., Hotel 1, 66-67
Schrader, Bill, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Scott, Don, Alpha 3, 65-66
Schuman, Bill, Alpha 3, 1967
Shipp, Jim, Alpha 3, 67-68
Smith, E.F., Alpha 3, 1967
Smith, Roosevelt, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
St. Germain, Jim, Alpha 3, 66-67
Standard, James R., Hotel 1, 67-68
Taylor, Freeman, Alpha 3
Trina, Jay, Hotel 1, 1968
Vasquez, Ray, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Walker, Eddie, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Ward, Clay, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Williams, Larry, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Wilson, C. "Tom", CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Wilson, D.F. "Don", CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Wilson, Jonathon, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Alpha 4:
Green, Edward J. Alpha 4
Marshall, David E. CAC Alpha 4, 1968
(Note: this e-mail address is to Dave's son, Tim Marshall)
Alpha 6 & 9 (AKA CAC 7): Gia Le Hamlet
Barker, Jerry Alpha 6 & 9
Bennett, Brad F/O Gia Le
Carter, Jimmy, Alpha 6 & 9
Casteel, Steve Alpha 6 & 9
Cone, Mike, Alpha 6&9 (?), 1968
Connell, John Alpha 6 & 9 Corpsman
Cooney, John J. Alpha 6 & 9, Thuy Tan (Mar66-Aug66)
Garcia, Bill, Alpha 6&9
Sgt. Joe Gillespie
Green, Edward J. Alpha 6 & 9
Lafrance, Bill, CAP Alpha 6-9, 1966-68
Marshall, David E., CAC Alpha 6-9, 1968
(Note: this e-mail address is to Dave's son, Tim Marshall)
Nance, George, Alpha 6 & 9, 1966
Nosbush, Mark, Alpha 6 & 9, 67-68
Pecoraro, Nino, Alpha 6 & 9
Ratliff, Charles, Alpha 6 & 9 (66-67)
Ross, Paul R., Sr, CAC 7, Gia Le, 1966
Sawyer, Wayne K., Alpha 6/9
Schellenberg, Gary, Alpha 6/9, 67-68
Strife, Richard, Alpha 6/9, 67-68
Tebo, Norm, Alpha 6/9, 67-68
Schellenberg, Gary, Alpha 6/9
Stapleton, Walter A., CAC Alpha 6, 66-67
Walker, Ken, Alpha 6&9
Wyatt, Bill, Alpha 6&9
Yarbrough, Robert, Alpa 6&9, Feb-Sep 1968
Zipler, James, Alpha 6 & 9
Alpha 7:
Bills, Dusty, CAP A 7, 3rd CAG, 67-68
Clair, Ken, Alpha 7, 67-68
Cochran, Arthur "Butch", Alpha 7, 67-68
Connolly, Larry, Alpha 7
Jones, Philip H., Alpha 7, 67-68
Nimmo, William F. Alpha 7, 67-68
Ravensroft, Bob, Alpha 7, 67-68
Schenck, W.L. "Rocky", Jr., Jr., Alpha 7, 1968
Stapleton, Walter A., CAC Alpha 7, 66-67
Alpha Phu Bai
Brown, Hubert "Hop", Alpha CAP, Phu Bai
Cavagnol, Richard M. Alpha CAPs 65-66, F.O.
Alpha: An Hoa
Hynes, Thomas CO An Hoa CAPs, 1968
(NOTE: Bravo Co was formerly Quebec Co. Changed 26Oct67)
Texeira, Alfred, Bravo HQ, 67-68
Whitfield, Wayne B., Bravo CACO, 67-68
Bravo 1: formerly Quebec 4
David Henry Boswell, HN, KIA March 3, 1968, CAP Bravo 1, Panel 43E - Row 014
Branscombe, Robert A. Bravo 1
Freiberg, Jeff Bravo 1
Ross, Dennis Bravo 1, Corpsman
Vockler, James, Bravo 1, 1968
Weese, Ralph, Jr, Cpl., KIA March 6, 1968, CAP Bravo 1, Panel 43E, Row 038
Bravo 2:
Arnold, Bill, Bravo 2, 67-68
Boyles, Dennis Bravo 2
Brady, Mark, Bravo 2, 67-68
Fuentes, M. Bravo 2
McGrath, Michael, CAC Bravo 2-2, May-Aug 67
Rogers, Ronald, Bravo 2, 1967
Bravo 3: West of Tuy Loan (AKA CAP 2-1-3)
Biagi, Donald, Bravo 3 (Contact Thru Ted Zoutis)
Bigpond, Eugene, Bravo 3 (Contact Thru Ted Zoutis)
Millard, Ray, Bravo 3
Unzueta, Steve, Bravo 3, 67-68
Williams, Dr. Johnny L., Bravo 3-1, 67-68
Zoutis, Ted, Bravo 3
Bravo 3-4
Case, Thomas Joseph, Pfc, KIA May 9, 1967, CAP Bravo 3-4, Panel 19E, Row 069
Whitfield, Wayne B., Bravo 3-4, 67-68
Bravo 4: Duyen Son 1 (Four Corners, Hill 41)
Applebury, Alan, Bravo 4, 67-68
Arnold, Bill, Bravo 4, 67-68
Azza, John, Bravo 4
Biagi, Donald, Bravo 4 (Contact Thru Ted Zoutis)
Bigpond, Eugene, Bravo 4 (Contact Thru Ted Zoutis)
Downey, Steven, Bravo 4
Hammond, Greg, Bravo 4
Kelley, Edward F., Bravo 4
Roscoe, Gregory T., Bravo 4
Smith, David N., Bravo 4
Olimpo, John A., Bravo 4
Tammara, Michael A, Jr., Bravo 4, 67-68
Bravo 5:
Freiberg, Jeff Bravo 5
Hammond, Greg, Bravo 5
Bravo 6:
Hammond, Greg, Bravo 6
Mahkimetas, Leon, Bravo 6, 1968
Bravo 8:
Coldsnow, John, Bravo 8, 1968
Hammond, Greg, CAC 1
McCord, Michael W. "Rip", CAC C-1, Apr67-Nov67
Smith, Gerald "Jerry", CAC 1, DaNang, 1966
Blackmore, James William, 1st CAG, 1969 (Fire Fighter, Died in the line of duty June 5, 1998)
"James W. Blackmore, 48, a career firefighter with the Fire Department of New York, died from burns sustained in an apartment fire. Blackmore, a decorated Vietnam Veteran, had been with FDNY for 21 years."
Copied from National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
Brady, Michael E., Pfc, KIA March 15, 1969, 1st. CAG, Panel 29W - Row 042
Butler, John C.(SSgt.) 1st. CAG
Burden, Mike, 1st. CAG, 66-69
Champion, James, CO 1st. CAG, 1st. CAG S-3
Cox, Marvin L., Sr, 1st CAG HeadQuarters, July 67- Jan 68
Cupsta, Frank, 1st. CAG
Doyal, Larry, 1st. CAG, Sub Unit 2, 66-67
Folks, Maj. Tommy I.
Note: this e-mail goes to Leigh Brathcher. He will forward it to Major Folks
/Frost, James C., 1st. CAG HQ, 68-69
Herschler, Frank & "Lobo", 1st. CAG, Dog Handler, 69-70
Hunter, Earl R. (Lt.Col.) 1st. CAG CO
Krackenberger, John, Hdqtrs 1st CAG, 68-69
Lindsey, Bob, 1st. CAG S-2, 1968
Lovell, Steve, Corpsman, 1st. CAG, 68-69
Pearson, Earl P. (Lt.Col.), 1st. CAG CO
Rivenes, David M., 1st. CAG, 67-68
Sandoval, Abel, 1st. CAG S-3, 67-69
Steiner, Rich, 1st. CAG Floater
Tisdale, Rick, 1st. CAG, 1968
Nicholls, Ed "Nick", 1st. CAG HQ, S-2,
Angus, G. Peter CAP 1
LeClaire, Larry, 1st. CAG
CAP 1-1:
Cantonwine, Steven, CAP 1-1, 68-69
Champion, James, CAP 1-1, CACO
Dalton, Robert J. CACO 1-1/CUPP
Grosz, Nicholas CAP 1-1, CACO
Krackenberger, John, Hdqtrs CAC1-1, 68-69
Netzer, Jim CAP 1-1
CAP 1-1-1:
Adamski, Peter, CAP 1-1-1
Akins, John I., CAP 1-1-1, 68-69
Arnold, Ron
Baker, Darwin, CAP 1-1-1
Barker, Robert, CAP 1-1-1
Belloff, Will
Bobolia, Mike P. CAP 1-1-1
Bouley, Douglas, CAP 1-1-1
Carpenter, James, CAP 1-1-1
Carter, Richard, CAP 1-1-1
Cook, John K. CAP, 1-1-1
Coon, Chris, CAP 1-1-1
Dolezal, Ken, CAP 1-1-1, 70-71
Freeman, Skip, CAP 1-1-1
Gable, Ken CAP 1-1-1, 1969
Goddard, Jack, CAP 1-1-1, 68-69
Jaco, Mike
Korhonen, David, CAP 1-1-1
Mason, Harold, CAP 1-1-1
McCammon, Howard, CAP 1-1-1, 68-69
Muller, Wayne, CAP 1-1-1
Murphy, Michael
Prince, Richard E., CAP 1-1-1
Sands, Nick, CAP 1-1-1, Corpsman
Silver, William H., CAP 1-1-1, 69-70
Shine, Jeremiah, CAP 1-1-1
CAP 1-1-2:
Adamski, Peter, CAP 1-1-2
Baker, Darwin, CAP 1-1-2
Bowen, Marvin Whitner, Cpl., KIA January 18, 1968, CAP 1-1-2, Panel 34E, Line 066
Butts, John D., CAP 1-1-2
Carlson, James M. Jr., CAP 1-1-2, 1967
Cassel, Dan, CAP 1-1-2
Condon, Dan, CAP 1-1-2, 70-71
Finley, RobertCAP 1-1-2, 68-69
Franch, William Scott, CAP 1-1-2
Gable, Ken CAP 1-1-2, 1969
Holt, Rick, CAP 1-1-2, 67-69
Jarvis, Alan B., CAP 1-1-2
Kent, Rick, CAP 1-1-2, 69-70
NOTE: e-mail to Rick Kent will go to Alan Jarvis
Merklin, Bob, CAP 1-1-2, 67-68
Navarro, Daniel Leon, Pfc., KIA May 7, 1968, CAP 1-1-2, Panel 56E, Line 028
Silver, William H., CAP 1-1-2, 69-70
Thomas, Marlim D., CAP 1-1-2, 69-70
Velez, Gustavo, CAP 1-1-2, 69-70
Young, Larry CAP 1-1-2, 1968
CAP 1-1-3: Tam Ky
Akins, John I., CAP 1-1-3, 68-69
Allen, Francis Monroe, Cpl, KIA, February 1, 1970, CAP 1-1-3, Panel 14W, Line 091
Azzaro, Mike, CAP 1-1-3, 1967
Bednar, George, CAP 1-1-3, 1969
Blanchard, Steven "Doc" CAP 1-1-3
Brooks, Vernon CAP 1-1-3
Caleffie, Fred CAP 1-1-3, 1968
Cantonwine, Steven, CAP 1-1-3, 68-69
Carrico, Chester Calvin Pfc, KIA, February 1, 1970, CAP 1-1-3, Panel 14W Line 088
Cieszki, Terry T, CAP 1-1-3
Condon, Dan, CAP 1-1-3, 70-71
Deatheradge, Ronnie G., CAP 1-1-3
Gillespie, John, CAP 1-1-4, 1968
Hamilton, Frank, CAP 1-1-3, 1970
Jarvis, Alan B. CAP 1-1-3
Jarvis, Alan B. CAP 1-1-3
Jeffcoat, Bill, Dog Handler, CAP 1-1-3, 69
Kent, Rick CAP 1-1-3, 69-70
NOTE: e-mail to Rick Kent will go to Alan Jarvis
McCluskey, S.R., 1st. CAG
Prince, Richard E., CAP 1-1-3
Pugliese, Lenny, CAP 1-1-3, 1968
Romanczuk, Mike, CAP 1-1-3
Westmoreland, Billy F., CAP 1-1-3, 1967
CAP 1-1-4:
Barker, Robert, CAP 1-1-4
Cabe, Johnny Dwain, Cpl., KIA June 3, 1968, CAP 1-1-4, Panel 61W, Line 21
Cook, John K., CAP 1-1-4
Covert, John J., CAP 1-1-4, 69-70
Easley, Stan, CAP 1-1-4, 68-69
Fassinger, Bob, CAP 1-1-4
Gillespie, John, CAP 1-1-4 (Mar-Sep, 68)
Bill Harkins, CAP 1-1-4, 1969
Krackenberger, John, CAP 1-1-4, 68-69
La Prade, Garland, CAP 1-1-4, 69-70
McCammon, Howard, CAP 1-1-4, 68-69
Rackley, Labron, CAP 1-1-4, 1969
Sparkman, Isaac, LCpl, KIA, July 20, 1968, CAP 1-1-4, Panel 51W, Line 021
CAP 1-1-5:
Bednar, George, CAP 1-1-5, 1969
Boone, Cliff, CAP 1-1-5, 69-70
Buchan, Daniel< CAP 1-1-5
Condon, Dan, CAP 1-1-5, 70-71
Panosian, Charlie, CAP 1-1-5, 69-71
CAP 1-1-6:
Adamski, Peter CAP 1-1-6
Akins, John I., CAP 1-1-6, 68-69
Ashby, Jim, CAP 1-1-6, 1968
Blanchard, Steven "Doc" CAP 1-1-6 (May, 69)
Cassel, Dan CAP 1-1-6
Cave, David E., CAP 1-1-6, 68-69
Cook, John K. CAP1-1-6
Cummings, Richard, CAP 1-1-6, 69-70
Easley, Stan, CAP 1-1-6, 68-69
Finley, RobertCAP 1-1-6, 68-69
Freeman, Skip, CAP 1-1-6
Korhonen, David CAP 1-1-6
Kostur, Michael J. CAP 1-1-6
Massei, George A. "Mike" CAP 1-1-6
Moseley, Jim CAP 1-1-6
Osborne, Russell, W. CAP 1-1-6
Whisenhunt, James Daniel, CAP 1-1-6, 1969
CAP 1-1-7:
Akins, John I., CAP 1-1-7, 68-69
Barker, Robert, CAP 1-1-7
Bates, Garry, CAP 1-1-7, 68-69
Bednar, George, CAP 1-1-7, 1969
Buchan, Daniel< CAP 1-1-7
Caleffie, Fred CAP 1-1-7
Cassel, Dan CAP 1-1-7
Cave, David E., CAP 1-1-7, 68-69
Cheatham, Bobby L.
Condon, Dan, CAP 1-1-7, 70-71
Cronin, Walt, CAP 1-1-7
Dolezal, Ken, CAP 1-1-1, 70-71
Easley, Stan, CAP 1-1-7, 68-69
Finley, RobertCAP 1-1-7, 68-69
Ford, Jeffrey, CAP 1-1-7, 1969
Freeman, Skip, CAP 1-1-7
Hamlett, Dennis, CAP 1-1-7
Jeffcoat, Bill, Dog Handler, CAP 1-1-7, 69
Johnson, William M., CAP 1-1-7, 68-69
Korhonen, David CAP 1-1-7
La Prade, Garland CAP 1-1-7, 69-70
Romanczuk, Mike, CAP 1-1-7
Settelmeyer, Gregory (This e-mail will go to Greg's sister, Jolene Bakkila.)
CACO 1-2:
Kruse, Scott CACO 1-2
CAP 1-2-1:
Charles Dailey">Dailey, Charles T., CAP 1-2-1, 68-69
Day, Willilam F. "Doc", CAP 1-2-1, 68-69
Falco, Art CAP 1-2-1
Thunhorst, Richard, CAP 1-2-1
CAP 1-2-2:
Funk, John P., CAP 1-2-2, 69-70
Hill, Tom, CAP 1-2-2, 1969
Miller, Stephen, CAP 1-2-2, 69-70
Nixon, Leonard F., CAP 1-2-2, 1970
Rago, Stephen, KIA March 9, 1968, CAP 1-2-2, Panel 43E - Row 069
Sandoval, Abel, CAP 1-2-2, 67-69
VanBrunt, George F.", CAP 1-2-2, 69-70
CAP 1-2-3: Tich Phu Village
Bourque, Sulie CAP 1-2-3
Burkett, Darryl CAP 1-2-3
Dunne, Thomas CAP 1-2-3
Elwartowski, Ben CAP 1-2-3
Johnston, Dr. Ian, CAP 1-2-3
Kratt, Joseph A. , CAP 1-2-3, 69-70
Posey, John J., CAP 1-2-3, 1970
Saucier, John CAP 1-2-3
Walk, Jim, CAP 1-2-3, 69-70
CAP 1-2-4:
Burkett, Darryl CAP 1-2-4
Faulk, Larry CAP 1-2-4
Gillespie, John CAP 1-2-4 (Jan-Feb, 69)
Goodson, Barry CAP 1-2-4, 68-69
Groulz, Rick "Doc" CAP 1-2-4, Corpsman, 1968
Kruse, Scott CAP 1-2-4
Sandoval, Abel, CAP 1-2-4, 67-69
CAP 1-2-5:
Bartlett, J.W., CAP 1-2-5, 1968
Lust, Richard W. CAP 1-2-5
Walker, Ramsey CAP 1-2-5
Slaton, Terry, CAP 1-2-5, 69-70
CAP 1-2-7:
Allen, Charles H., CAP 1-2-7
Baker, M.P., CAP 1-2-7
Cohenour, Bernard "Bacsi Doc", CAP 1-2-7 Jan-May 1969
Funk, John P., CAP 1-2-7, 69-70
Gillespie, John, CAP 1-2-7 Dec 1968
Good, Paul M., CAP 1-2-7
Green, Harry A., CAP 1-2-7
Groulx, Rick "Doc", CAP 1-2-7
Hickey, John W., CAP 1-2-7
Jackson, Frank L., CAP 1-2-7
Sandoval, Abel, CAP 1-2-7, 67-69
Shippie, William, CAP 1-2-7
Taute, Richard, CAP 1-2-7, died February 20, 2005
Vasquez, Richard, CAP 1-2-7
CAP 1-3:
Anoatubby, Calvin, CAP 1-3
Black, Bill, Jr., CAP 1-3, CACO
Dalton, Robert J., CACO 1-3/CUPP
Degerness, John, CAP 1-3 Hq, 1969
Keil, Ron, CACO 1-3, 1969
Mulhearn, Jim, CO CAC 1-3, 1969
Saddler, T.R., CAP 1-3, XO/C0
Shoemaker, Michael T., CAP 1-3, KIA July 4, 1969, Panel 21W Row 063
Wray, Robert B. "Skip", CACO 1-3
CAP 1-3-1:
Baughman, Gary, CAP 1-3-1
Blanchard, Steven "Doc", CAP 1-3-1 (1969)
Hagler, John A., CAP 1-3-1, 69-70
Irving, Roy, CAP 1-3-1, 68-69
Johnson, Dennis Lee, CAP 1-3-1
Keblaitis, Cary Kip, CAP 1-3-1
Keil, Ron, CAP 1-3-1 Corpsman, 1969
Mitchell, John C., CAP 1-3-1, 1969
Mosey, James, CAP 1-3-1
Nighman, Ronald, CAP 1-3-1
Pina, Ronald, C., CAP 1-3-1, 69-70
Stephenson, Johnny, CACO 1-3-1, 1968
Zammetti, Richard, CAP 1-3-1
CAP 1-3-2: Anh Diem 2 Village
Alegria, Fernando, CAP 1-3-2, 1970
Bergmans, Henk, CAP 1-3-2, 69-70
Bourque, Sulie, CAP 1-3-2
Breagy, Richard, CAP 1-3-2, 1968
Costello, Thomas J., CAP 1-3-2
Dumford, Don "Wild Man", CAP 1-3-2, 1969
Epperson, Dayrel , CAP 1-3-2, 1969
Frenier, David E., CAP 1-3-2
Gillespie, John, CAP 1-3-2 (Sep-Oct, 68)
Helm, Larry, CAP 1-3-2
Hofstetter, Richard, CAP 1-3-2, 1968
Holm, Robert C., CAP 1-3-2
Jones, Tom, CAP 1-3-2, 1970
Kaupas, Paul J., CAP 1-3-2, 68-69
Matthews, Kelly D., Died February 15, 2008, CAP 1-3-2, 69-70
McDonald, John "Doc", CAP 1-3-2, Jan-Oct 1969
Murphy, Phil "Doc", CAP 1-3-2, 68-70
Pina, Ronald, C., CAP 1-3-2, 69-70
Quillen, Lloyd Daniel, Sgt, KIA, April 14, 1969, CAP 1-3-2, Panel 27W, Line 083
Railsback, Gerald L., CAP 1-3-2
Sands, Nick, CAP 1-3-2
Shuemaker, Michael T., CAP 1-3-2, KIA July 4, 1969, Panel 21W Row 063
Welty, Larry, CAP 1-3-2, 1969
Sena, Louie, CAP 1-3-2
Weaver, Larry, CAP 1-3-2, 69-70
Zammetti, Richard, CAP 1-3-2
CAP 1-3-3:
Atherton, Tom, CAP 1-3-3
Baker, Darwin, CAP 1-3-3
Bedford, Walter J., Jr., CAP 1-3-3, 67-68
Fenstermacher, Terry, CAP 1-3-3
Frazier, Charles, CAP 1-3-3, 68-69
Johnston, Dr. Ian, CAP 1-3-3
Mitchell, John C., CAP 1-3-3, 1969
Manning, David Karl, KIA January 10, 1969, CAP 1-3-3, Panel 35W - Row 066
McClanahan, Tom, HM3, CAP 1-3-3, 69-70
McCord, David Michael, KIA December 23, 1968, CAP 1-3-3, Panel 36W - Row 070
Moeller, Dan, CAP 1-3-3
Nichols, James, W., CAP 1-3-3, 68-69
Powell, Thomas, CAP 1-3-3, Apr-Oct 1968
Rausch, Bill, CAP 1-3-3, 1970
Sam, Joseph M., CAP 1-3-3, 68-69
Schmitt, Bill, CAP 1-3-3, 1969
Sitek, Jerry, CAP 1-3-3 TAD, Dog Handler
Teichmiller, Jerry, CAP 1-3-3, 68-69
CAP 1-3-4: (AKA Lima 4)
Bludworth, Michael Vernon, Pfc. , KIA February 19, 1970, CAP 1-3-4, Panel 13W, Line 031
Breagy, Richard, CAP 1-3-4, 1968
Breagy, Richard, CAP 1-3-4
Burnes, John B., CAP 1-3-4
Dunnam, Joseph Glenn, CAP 1-3-4, 69-70
Hamilton, Frank, CAP 1-3-4, 1970
Holm, Robert C., CAP 1-3-4
Johnson, Dennis Lee, CAP 1-3-4
Leblaitis, Cary Kip, CAP 1-3-4
Lynch, Richard, CAP 1-3-4
Mitchell, John C., CAP 1-3-4, 1969
Monahan, Gene, CAP 1-3-4, 1970
Shouse, Paul, CAP 1-3-4
Sitek, Jerry, CAP 1-3-4 TAD, Dog Handler
Winters, Dennis, CAP 1-3-4, 67-68
Wray, Robert B. "Skip", CAP 1-3-4
CAP 1-3-5: Phuoc Thien Village
Atherton, Tom, CAP 1-3-5
Batten, Frank, CAP 1-3-5
Bedford, Walter J., Jr., CAP 1-3-5, 67-68
Bedford, William, CAP 1-3-5
Boone, Cliff, CAP 1-3-5, 69-70
Carter, Gregory, Pfc, KIA October 12, 1969, CAP 1-3-5, Panel 17W, Row 070
Childers, Johnny D., CAP 1-3-5, 68-69
Florentino, Michael, CAP 1-3-5, 1968
Franch, William Scott, CAP 1-3-5
Guise, Steve, CAP 1-3-5
Hatcher, Bob, CAP 1-3-5
Hollinger, Gilbert, CAP 1-3-5
Huffman, Chester, CAP 1-3-5
Kimpton, Craig, CAP 1-3-5
Kitchen, John, CAP 1-3-5, 1969
Leiker, Philip, CAP 1-3-5
Melvin, Perry, CAP 1-3-5, 69-70
Miller, Dan, Dog Handler, CAP 1-3-5
Plettner, Edwin, CAP 1-3-5
Porter, Jerry, CAP 1-3-5, 67-68
Reynolds, Steven P., CAP 1-3-5
Robins, Tom, CAP 1-3-5
Shuemaker, Michael T., CAP 1-3-5, KIA July 4, 1969, Panel 21W Row 063
Sells, Allen, CAP 1-3-5
Storrs, Bob, CAP 1-3-5, 69-70
Strain, Virgil, CAP 1-3-5, 1969
Towell, Thom, CAP 1-3-5, 66-67
Weaver, Larry, CAP 1-3-5, 69-70
CAP 1-3-6: (AKA Lima 11 {66 to Aug 67} Lima 6 (Aug 67-Early 68}, CAP 1-3-6 {68 To Close})
Batten, Frank, CAP 1-3-6, 67-68
Bernard, Vincent LCpl, KIA September 21, 1968, CAP 1-3-6, Panel 43W, Line 051
Blake, John D., CAP 1-3-6
Castleberry, Jerry, CAP 1-3-6
Cook, John K., CAP 1-3-6
Costello, Thomas J., CAP 1-3-6
Cotter, Ervin, CAP 1-3-6
Craig, Robert D., CAP 1-3-6
Crawford, David, CAP 1-3-6, 66-68
Degerness, John, CAP 1-3-6, 1969
Gillespie, John, CAP 1-3-6 (Nov, 68)
Guise, Steve, CAP 1-3-6
Holm, Robert C., CAP 1-3-6
Huffman, Chester, CAP 1-3-6
Jones, J. Richard, CAP 1-3-6, 67-68
Mc Aughan, Charles H., CAP 1-3-6, 1967
Miller, Dan, Dog Handler, CAP 1-3-6
Murphy, Phil "Doc", CAP 1-3-6, 68-70
Stephen "Doc" O'Brien, CAP Lima 6 (CAP 1-3-6) died June 16, 2006
Sears, William, CAP 1-3-6
Shouse, Paul, CAP 1-3-6
Stevens, George, CAP 1-3-6, 67-68
Swegle, Gary, Corpsman, CAP 1-3-6, 70-71
Tice, Ken, CAP 1-3-6, 1969
Weaver, Larry, CAP 1-3-6, 69-70
Weeks, Robert, CAP 1-3-6
CAP 1-3-7:
Alegria, Fernando, CAP 1-3-7, 1970
Batten, Frank, CAP 1-3-7, 67-68
Bednar, George, CAP 1-1-7, 1969
Boldings, Joe, CAP 1-3-7
Breagy, Richard, CAP 1-3-7
Carr, William Lee, LCpl., KIA July 19, 1968, CAP 1-3-7, Panel 51W, Line 010
Cosgrove, Chester, LCpl, KIA November 17, 1968, CAP 1-3-7, Panel 39W, Line 078
Decker, Jesse, CAP 1-3-7
Dunne, James, CAP 1-3-7, 69-70
Green, Joe, CAP 1-3-7, 69-70
Gunnar, Tony, CAP 1-3-7
Harkins, Bruce, CAP 1-3-7
Huddleston, Dean, CAP 1-3-7
Martin, Terry, CAP 1-3-7, 69-70
Mason, Harold, CAP 1-3-7
McCammon, Howard, CAP 1-3-7, 68-69
Morgan, David C., CAP 1-3-7, 69-70
Phelps, Ray Willard, Pfc, KIA October 10, 1968, CAP 1-3-7, Panel 41W, Line 042
Plettner, Edwin, CAP 1-3-7
Powell, Thomas, CAP 1-3-7, Oct-Nov 1968
Robins, Tom, CAP 1-3-7
Thunhorst, Richard, CAP 1-3-7
Treska, Al, CAP 1-3-7
Weaver, Larry, CAP 1-3-7, 69-70
Wilson, Henry, CAP 1-3-7
CAP 1-3-8: Phuoc Thien
Atherton, Tom CAP 1-3-8
Blakey, Howell "Howie" LCpl, KIA April 11, 1970, CAP 1-3-8, Panel 12W Line 121
Cook, John K. CAP 1-3-8
Epperson, Dayrel , CAP 1-3-8, 1969
Hamlett, Dennis "Doc", CAP 1-3-8, 69-70
Harris, Earl CAP 1-3-8
Holm, Robert C. CAP 1-3-8
Hoppough, Karl Dennis, KIA July 14, 1969, CAP 1-3-8, Panel 20W - Row 009
Jones, J. Richard, CAP 1-3-8, 67-68
Powell, Thomas, CAP 1-3-3, Nov-Dec 1968
Renfro, Franklin JR, KIA August 10, 1968, CAP 1-3-8, Panel 49W - Row 044
Seneff, Walter E. "Dogman", CAP 1-3-8 Dog Handler
Sitek, Jerry, CAP 1-3-8 TAD, Dog Handler
Storrs, Bob, CAP 1-3-8, 69-70
Tebbetts, Mike "Doc", CAP 1-3-8, 1969
Tryon, Mickey, CAP 1-3-8
Powell, Thomas, CAP 1-3-8, Nov-Dec 1968
Uptmor, Gene CAP 1-3-8
Walk, Jim, CAP 1-3-8, 69-70
Zahner, Mike
CAP 1-3-9: An Phong Village
Atherton, Tom, CAP 1-3-9
Burns, Dewey Ray, Jr., HM3. KIA September 13, 1969, CAP 1-3-9, Panel 18W, Row 077
Childs, Reggie, CAP 1-3-9, 69-70
Clodfelter, Richard, CAP 1-3-9, 69-70
Franch, William Scott, CAP 1-3-9
Holm, Robert C., CAP 1-3-9
Garcia, Guadalupe, CAP 1-3-9
Holmes, Gary L., CAP 1-3-9
Houseworth, Charlie, CAP 1-3-9
Kaupas, Paul J., CAP 1-3-9, 68-69
LeBlanc, Rick CAP 1-3-9
Leiker, Philip, CAP 1-3-9
Murphy, Michael A., CAP 1-3-9, An Phong
Parker, James, CAP 1-3-9, 69-70
Railsback, Gerald L., CAP 1-3-9
Shuemaker, Michael T., CAP 1-3-9, KIA July 4, 1969, Panel 21W Row 063
Sherril, Richard Wayne, LCpl. KIA September 13, 1969, CAP 1-3-9, Panel 18W, Row 080
Sitek, Jerry, CAP 1-3-9 TAD, Dog Handler
Taylor, William L., CAP 1-3-9, 67-69
Wagner, John P., CAP 1-3-9
Wray, Robert B. "Skip", CAP 1-3-9
Unangst, Keith, CAP 1-3-9, 1969
CAP 1-3-10:
Blanchard, Steven "Doc" CAP 1-3-10
Fernandez, Antonio, CAP 1-3-10 (Died October, 2003)
McDonald, John "Doc", CAP 1-3-10, Oct-Dec 1969
Truesdale, Sanford, CAP 1-3-10, 1969
Wray, Robert B. "Skip", CAP 1-3-10
CAP 1-3-12:
Barker, Robert, CAP 1-3-12
Harris, Earl CAP 1-3-12
Black, Bill, Jr. CAP 1-4, CACO, 1970
Cohenour, Bernard "Bacsi Doc", CACO 1-4 (Nov, 69)
Champion, James, CAP 1-4
Hagler, John A., CACO 1-4, 69-70
Hollinger, Gilbert CAP 1-4 Hdq.
CAP 1-4-1:
Barkley, Steven E.
Blomgren, G. CAP 1-4-1
Bradford, Bill "Doc", CAP 1-4-1, 69-70
Bruley, Dennis, CAP 1-4-1, 1969
Broz, William J., Jr, CAP 1-4-1
Bullock, Dan, CAP 1-4-1, 68-69
Crawford, Raymond CAP 1-4-1
Crosby, Donald CAP 1-4-1
Day, Willilam F. "Doc", CAP 1-4-1, 68-69
Emmitt, P.N. HM3 Corpsman
Frey, Michael J., CAP 1-4-1, Feb-Oct, 1969
Gillespie, John, CAP 1-4-1 (Feb, 69 Wounded)
Green, Gary R.
Harshman, Donald C.
Hoban, Jack, CAP 1-4-1, 69-70
Jones, John H.
Marshall, R. A. L/Cpl
Maw, Randy L.
Posey, John J., CAP 1-4-1, 1970
Kruse, Scott CAP 1-4-1
Sands, Nick, CAP 1-4-1, Corpsman
Scoggins, Kenneth CAP 1-4-1, 69-70
Shipman, R.L. LCpl
Steffan, William "Bill", CAP 1-4-1
Tillot, Lamont R. CAP 1-4-1
Ventresca, Pat, CAP 1-4-1, 69-70
Voight, Chuck CAP 1-4-1
Walk, Jim, CAP 1-4-1, 69-70
West, Bobby L. LCp
Wray, Robert B. "Skip", CAP 1-4-1
Ziegler, J. R.
CAP 1-4-2: Son Quang Village
Budvitis, Allan, CAP 1-4-2 1969
Bullock, Dan, CAP 1-4-2, 68-69
Cahill, George, CAP 1-4-2
Frazier, Charles CAP 1-4-2
Hatcher, Bob, CAP 1-4-2
Kitchen, John, CAP 1-4-2, 1969
Krock, Robert P CAP 1-4-2
Porter, David R., CAP 1-4-2, 69-70
Robert Reese, CAP 1-4-2, 1970
Renz, Stever, CAP 1-4-2, 1969
Tiedeman, Dennis, CAP 1-4-2, 69-70. (NOTE: this e-mail will go to Walt Fuller. He will pass it on to Dennis)
Wall, Mike CAP 1-4-2
CAP 1-4-3:
Bullock, Dan, CAP 1-4-3, 68-69
Hollinger, Gilbert CAP 1-4-3
Miller, Kenneth, CAP 1-4-3, 69-70
Saumer, Lanny, CAP 1-4-3, 68-69
CAP 1-4-4:
Bourque, Sulie CAP 1-4-4
Covert, John J., CAP 1-4-4, 69-70
Frazier, Charles CAP 1-4-4
Miller, Kenneth, CAP 1-4-4, 69-70
Porter, David R., CAP 1-4-4, 69-70
Tiedeman, Dennis, CAP 1-4-4, 69-70. (NOTE: this e-mail will go to Walt Fuller. He will pass it on to Dennis)
Vanbibber, Kenny, CAP 1-4-4, 1970
CAP 1-4-5:
Bartron, Don "Gunny", CAP 1-4-5, 1970
Bruley, Dennis, CAP 1-4-5, 1969
Cahill, George, CAP 1-4-5
Cohenour, Bernard "Bacsi Doc", CAP 1-4-5 (May-Oct, 69)
Donoghue, Bill "Doc", CAP 1-4-5, Apr-Aug 70
Lake, Russell, CAP 1-4-5, 1970
Mc Parlane, Mike, CAP 1-4-5, 1970
Miller, Kenneth, CAP 1-4-5, 69-70
Richards, Jim, CAP 1-4-5, 1970
Sinclair, Steve, CAP 1-4-5, 1970
Storey, Jimie, CAP 1-4-5
Wall, Mike, CAP 1-4-5, 1970
CAP 1-4-6:
Budvitis, Allan, CAP 1-4-6, 1969
Cahill, George, CAP 1-4-6
Robert Reese, CAP 1-4-6, 1970
Krock, Robert P CAP 1-4-6
Miller, Kenneth, CAP 1-4-6, 69-70
Sands, Nick, CAP 1-4-6 Corpsman
Tiedeman, Dennis, CAP 1-4-6, 69-70. (NOTE: this e-mail will go to Walt Fuller. He will pass it on to Dennis)
Williams, John CAP 1-4-6
CAP 1-4-7:
Mitchell, John C., CAP 1-4-7, 1969
Hello Tim,
The below Navy men were members of River Division 543. They were not CAP Marines, but were assigned to HQ. 2nd CAG. I made many patrols with these men, and they deserve to be recognized.
- ABH1 Jackson, Dearing, December 13, 1969
- SN Giovannelli, Geary, February 14, 1970,
Yrs truly, GySgt. Dave Henry 2nd CAG (ret)
Alexander, Dan R., HQ, 2nd. CAG, 1967
Aust, Mel, 2nd. CAG Language School, 68-69
Bird, Tom, 2nd. CAG S-4
Boggan, Bruce, 2nd CAG HQ, 69-70
Broad, R.O., Jr. XO, 2nd. CAG
Buttler, Ben, 2nd. CAG HQ, 69-70
Champion, Jim, 2nd. CAG S-3
Cranmer, Foster, Sgt., KIA December 6, 1969, 2nd CAG HQ, Panel 15W, Line 031
Cunningham, Kent Alan, HN, KIA November 1, 1968, 2nd. CAG Corpsman, Panel 40W, Line 073
Doyon, Michael, 2nd. CAG HQ
Dube, M.J., S-2/S-3 Officer, 2nd. CAG
Dulemba, Casey, 2nd. CAG HQ, 69-70
Dusenbery, Mike, 2nd. CAG HQ, 1970
Gometz, Ron "Gator", 2nd. CAG HQ, 70-71
Grider, Tim, 2ND. CAG. Hoi An. 70-71
Hanley, John, 2nd. CAG HQ, 1971, died, 2002
Hardee, Douglas, 2nd. CAG #1, #6, Hoi An, 70-71
Henry, David, S-4 2nd CAG, 1970
Hoffman, Roark, 2nd. CAG S-4
Don Huddleston, HQ, 2nd. CAG, 1967
Hutchinson, Don, HQ, 2nd CAG S-1, 68-69
Knapp, Tony, 2nd. CAG
Joy, Michael "Canuk", 2nd. CAG HQ, 69-70
Larkin, Victor, HQ, 2nd. CAG, 69-70
Ledbetter, Paul, 2nd. CAG Armorer, 70-71
Lopez, Angel M., 2nd. CAG HQ, 68-69
Marciniak, Bill, 2nd. CAG HQ., 68-69
McCord, Michael W. "Rip", 2nd CAG Hqs, Sep68-Apr69
McDuff, Richard L., 2nd. CAG, 68-71
Molina, Joe "Desert Rat"
Moriarty, Patrick Dale, HMC, KIA March 9, 1968, 2nd. CAG Corpsman, Panel 43E, Line 068
Mortensen, Thomas, 2nd CAG, June-Oct 1968
Nadeau, Armand J. Jr., 2nd. CAG Comm Chief, 69-70
Oxley, William H., S-2, S-3 Section, 2nd. CAG
Parkis, Dennis, 2nd CAG HQ, 70-71
Richmond, Steve, 2nd. CAG
Rinell, Michael HQ, 2nd. CAG
Rishel, George S., 2nd. CAG HQ, 68-69
Roemhildt, Gene, PBR Boat, River Division 543, 2nd. CAG, 69-70
Rogers, Drue, 2nd CAG (Phu Lang/Lavang Trung), 67-69
Scott, Mike, 2nd. CAG HQ
Seneff, Walter E., S2, 2nd. CAG, 68-69
Terry, Thomas, 2nd CAG MTT, Language School, 68-69
Torres, Rene, 2nd CAG HQ, 1971
Walden, Alan Dog Handler, 2nd. CAG
Wilkenloh, William C., CAG 2 HQ, Supply Officer, 67-68
Williams, Tom, HMC, 2nd. CAG,
CAC-2: DaNang
Birenbaum, Leslie, 2nd CAG HQ, 70-71
Renninger, George, III, CAC-2 DaNang, 65-66
Witt, Timothy R., CAC 2, 66-67
CACO 2-1: Hieu Duc District, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Benco, Joseph F., CACO
Bohannon, Jeff, CACO 2-1
Young, Brock, CACO 2-1, 70-71
Paider, Jerry, CACO 2-1, 69-70
Tomlin, Richard D., CACO 2-1 (Nov 65 - May 66)
Young, Robert S "Doc", CACO 2-1
CAP 2-1
Birenbaum, Leslie, CAP 2-1, 70-71
Hollon, Merle R., CAP 2-1
Kelley, Edward F., Jr.. CAP 2-1, 70-71
Kenney, Mike, CAC 2-1
CAP 2-1-1:
Carmon, Warren CAP 2-1-1
Clark, Richard R. CAP 2-1-1
Medkeff, Michael K. CAP 2-1-1
Spencer, Charles, CAP 2-1-1, 70-71
Wilburn, Fred "Buddha", CAP 2-1-1, 70-71
Williams, David R., CAP 2-1-1, 1970
CAP 2-1-2:
London, Steve, CAP 2-1-2, 1968
Estes, Jack, CAP 2-1-2
Gregory, Robert, Jr., CAP 2-1-2
Hayman, Peter, CAP 2-1-2, 68-69
Irvin, Dick "Doc" CAP 2-1-2
Kobbeman, John L., CAP 2-1-2, 68-69
Cap Marine Cpl. Dana R. Safford Cap 2-1-2 died of a massive heart attack on February 14, 2003
Kovaks, Sandor, CAP 2-1-2, 68-69
Lohr, James, CAP 2-1-2, 1968
London, Stephen CAP 2-1-2, 1968
McIntosh, Daniel L. CAP 2-1-2
Paider, Jerry, Cap 2-1-2, 69-70
Perez, Melvin, CAP 2-1-2, 67-68
Smith, Gary A., CAP 2-1-2, 70-71
Walker, John Frederick, Cpl, KIA February 23, 1969, CAP 2-1-2, Panel 31W, Line 028
CAP 2-1-3: (AKA Bravo 3)
Arellano, David A. CAP 2-1-3, 70-71
Aslett, Dennis, CAP 2-1-3, 1970
Bohannon, Jeff, CAP 2-1-3
Brown, Lou, CAP 2-1-7, 1970-71
Carmon, Warren CAP 2-1-3
Ersland, Kenneth, CAP 2-1-3, 1969
Giernacky, Gene CAP 2-1-3
Hampton, Elbert P., CAP 2-1-3, Apr 69- Jul 70
Jones, James D., CAP 2-1-3, 69-70
Kelley, Edward F., CAP 2-1-3, 70-71
Kobbeman, John L., CAP 2-1-3, 68-69
Leymann, Karl, CAP 2-1-3, 69-70
Nelson, Robert L., CAP 2-1-3, 70-71
Ovelman, Phillip, CAP 2-1-3, 1970
Pitiger, Beazer Pete CAP 2-1-3
Sandoval, Jose, Cap 2-1-3, 1971
Shumate, Amon Harvey, CAP 2-1-3, 69-70
Vasquez, Antonio CAP 2-1-3
Williams, Dale, CAP 2-1-3
Wilson, Mike, CAP 2-1-3, 70-71
CAP 2-1-4: La Chau
Allison, Danny C. CAP 2-1-4
John Caratozzolo, John, CAP 2-1-4, 9/69-8/70
Chalko, William J., CAP 2-1-4, 70-71
Elias, Richard M. CAP (Bravo) 2-1-4
Estes, Jack CAP 2-1-4
Flanagan, Kevin, CAP 2-1-4, 68-69
Garcelon, Fredrick CAP 2-1-4 Irvin, Dick "Doc" CAP 2-1-4
Hampton, Elbert P., CAP 2-1-4, Apr 69- Jul 70
Hannigan, John J., CAP 2-1-4
Hunt, Gary, Cap 2-1-4, Dec 69- Dec 70
Ingram, Stephen D., CAP 2-1-4, 1971
Jones, James D., CAP 2-1-4, 69-70
Leymann, Karl, CAP 2-1-4, 69-70
Lockwood, Charles, CAP 2-1-4
Lodoen, Mylon, CAP 2-1-4, 69-70
Mayer, F.W. CAP 2-1-4
Parks, Kevin J., HM2, CAP 2-1-4, Sept 15 - Nov, 1969
Sevig, Curt, CAP 2-1-4, 69-70
Smith, Elmer Jack, CAP 2-1-4, 68-69
Steele, George Aaron, CAP 2-1-4, 69-70
This e-mail will go to George's friend Sam Judd
Turner, Charles "Mike", CAP 2-1-4
Wilburn, Fred "Buddha", CAP 2-1-4, 70-71
Wood, Roland, CAP 2-1-4
Young, Robert S "Doc", CAP 2-1-4
CAP 2-1-5: Hoa Luong (July 7, 1967)
Carmon, Warren CAP 2-1-5
Eddy, Laurence, CAP 2-1-5, 69-70
Garcelon, Fredrick CAP 2-1-5
Griffin, Oscar Lee, LCpl., KIA November 16, 1969, CAP 2-1-5, Panel 16W, Line 092
Hunt, Gary, Cap 2-1-5, Dec 69- Dec 70
Irvin, Dick "Doc" CAP 2-1-5
Kobbeman, John L., CAP 2-1-5, 68-69
McIntosh, Daniel L. CAP 2-1-5
Ovelman, Phillip, CAP 2-1-5, 1970
Paider, Jerry, Cap 2-1-5, 69-70
Sevig, Curt, CAP 2-1-5, 69-70
CAP 2-1-6:
Canell, Jim, CAP 2-1-6, Corpsman
You can add to my listing year there 1971. The AO for 2-1-6 in 1971 was Phu Son. Prior to my arrival they were in Phu Ha until the end of 1970. They relocated in Jan. 1971.
Now some additions...all were with 2-1-6 in 1971. They were also at other CAPS (don't know where)
- Jon "Reds" Jones (now in NC)
- d'Abate, John (now in RI)
- Tinker, Roger (now in AZ)
- Walker, Ray, Sgt(now in FL)
- Matthews, Rudy
- Garcis, Frank
- Moore, Danny
I had diaried the rest of the guys names but Nicknames or last names only
Hope this is helpful
Semper Fi
Jim "Doc" Canell
Flanagan, Kevin, CAP 2-1-6, 68-69
Garcelon, Fredrick CAP 2-1-6
Hampton, Elbert P., CAP 2-1-6, Apr 69-Jul 70
Johnson, Luther D. CAP 2-1-6
Kobbeman, John L., CAP 2-1-6, 68-69
Paider, Jerry, CAP2-1-6, 69-70
Parks, Kevin J., HM2,, CAP 2-1-6, May - Sep 15, 1969
Pitiger, Beazer Pete CAP 2-1-6
Flanagan, Kevin, CAP 2-1-6, 68-69
CAP 2-1-7:
Bledsoe, Howard Tyrone., Cpl, KIA July 6, 1970, CAP 2-1-7, Panel 09W Line 123
Brown, Lou, CAP 2-1-7, 1970-71
Ovelman, Phillip, CAP 2-1-7, 1970
Paider, Jerry, Cap 2-1-7, 69-70
CAP 2-1-8: Ap Phu Son
Dunne, Thomas, CAP 2-1-8
Hamilton, Joe, CAP 2-1-8
Kuhary, Dave, CAP 2-1-8, 1970
CACO 2-2: Dai Loc District, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Borhman, Jack CACO 2-2, 67-68
Sutcliff, Henry, CACO 2-2
CAC 2-2
Barquist, Bob, CAP 2-2-2, 70-71
Bell, Jim, CACO 2-2, 1970
Jim "Budda" Booth, CAP 2-2-2, 1969
Borhman, Jack", CACO 2-2, 68-69
Christiansen, Axel, CAC 2-2, 1969
White, Joseph , CAC 2-2, 1966
Smith, Glenn "Doc", CAC 2-2, 1966
CAP 2-2-1: Dai Loc
Christiansen, Wayne C. CAP 2-2-1, Corpsman
Fallat, Jerry CAP 2-2-1
Gaffigan, Robert Michael, LCpl, KIA October 26, 1970, CAP 2-2-1, Panel 06W, Line 023
Jett, Bill, CAP 2-2-1, Dai Loc
Romo, Patrick CAP 2-2-1
Vangilder, Ren, CAP 2-2-1
Vesely, Robert G., CAP 2-2-1, 1969
CAP 2-2-2:
Allsup, Robert 'Doc' , CAP 2-2-2, 68-69
Barquist, Bob, CAP 2-2-2, 70-71
Beckerman, George, CAP 2-2-2, 68-69-71
Bentley, DeWayne, CAP 2-2-2, 1970 +
Jim "Budda" Booth, CAP 2-2-2, 1969
Brown, Robert, CAP 2-2-2, 68-69
Bupp, Gary, CAP 2-2-2, 70-71
Burns, Don, CAP 2-2-2, 1970
Carbone, Jerry CAP 2-2-2
Cunningham, John, CAP 2-2-2, 70-71
Davis, DennisCAP 2-2-2, 1969
Dros, George, CAP 2-2-2, 70-71
(NOTE: this e-mail will go to Jack Cunningham for the time being)
Fallat, Jerry CAP 2-2-2
Ferrand, Jos� V., CAP 2-2-2, 70-71
Foote, Liam, CAP 2-2-2, 1971
Gorman, Billy, CAP 2-2-2 (Charlie 2), 1968
Head, Dennis, CAP 2-2-2
(NOTE: this e-mail will go to Bob Brown)
Kach, Terry M. CAP 2-2-2
Scott, Mike, CAP 2-2-2
Shiver, Edward, CAP 2-2-2
Soto, Carlos, CAP 2-2-2
Thompson, Robert W., CAP 2-2-2, 69-70
CAP 2-2-3: An My
Beaudin, Henry, CAP 2-2-3, 69-70
Beckerman, George, CAP 2-2-3, 68-69-71
Brown, Robert, CAP 2-2-3, 68-69
Bupp, Gary, CAP 2-2-3, 70-71
Farrington, John CAP 2-2-3
Frantz, Rick, CAP 2-2-3
Head, Dennis, CAP 2-2-3
(NOTE: this e-mail will go to Bob Brown)
Mick, William, CAP 2-2-3, 68-69
Oxley, William H., CAP 2-2-3
Piearson, John, CAP 2-2-3
Webb, Eric, CAP 2-2-3
CAP 2-2-4: (AKA Charlie 4) Tam Hoa
Allsup, Robert 'Doc' , CAP 2-2-4, 68-69
Bartron, Don "Gunny", CAP 2-2-4, 1970
Beaudin, Henry, CAP 2-2-4, 69-70
Brown, Robert, CAP 2-2-4, 68-69
Bryant, Johnny, CAP 2-2-4, 1969
Eiferd, Donald K., CAP 2-2-4, 70-71
Hartenstein, Gary CAP 2-2-4
Head, Dennis, CAP 2-2-4
(NOTE: this e-mail will go to Bob Brown)
Hodell, Floyd CAP 2-2-4
Judith, Robert, CAP 2-2-4, 1970
Kramer, Robert, CAP 2-2-4, 70-71
Oxley, William H. CAP 2-2-4
Robbins, Michael J. CAP 2-2-4, Dec 68-Aug 69
Seaton, Ronald R., CAP 2-2-4, 68-69
Vieth, James, CAP 2-2-4, 69-70
Wright, Robert B., CAP 2-2-4
Roberts, Hilton, CAP 2-2-4
CACO 2-3: Dien Ban District, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Glasscock, Dale, CACO 2-3, 1970
Herron, Bill, CAP 2-3, 67-68
Johnson, Robert (Robin), CACO 2-3, 1969
McGill, Jack, CAP 2-3
Prevot, Lonnie R. CAP 2-3 CACO
Westwood, Ben CAP 2-3
Sewell, Paul, CACO 2-3, 68-69
White, Spence, CACO 2-3, 1970
CAP 2-3-1:
Aranda, Juan Francisco, CAP 2-3-1, 1970
Burns, Don, CAP 2-3-1, 1970
Clepper, Paul Jr., CAP 2-3-1, 70-71
Dimsdale, Bruce CAP 2-3-1
Hopps, Jake CAP 2-3-1 (Died March 2019)
Jones, Clifford, CAP 2-3-1
Dietzman, Henry "DOC", CAP 2-3-1, 1970
McNatt, James R., CAP 2-3-1, 70-71
Osborne, David F., CAP 2-3-1, 70-71 (Died January 4, 2003)
Rash, Lee, CAP 2-3-1, 70-71
Prevot, Lonnie R. CAP 2-3-1
Smith, Mike, CAP 2-3-10, 70-71
CAP 2-3-2:
Arvelo, Philip, CAP 2-3-2, 69-70
Dietzman, Henry "DOC", CAC 2-3, 1970
Evans, Danny L., PFC, KIA August 10, 1970, CAP 2-3-2, CAC 2-3, Panel 08W, Line 100
Gallas, Mike, CAP 2-3-2, 1969
Gilchrist, Robert, CAP 2-3-2, 1970
Hickman, Russell Wayne, CAP 2-3-2, 1970
Jackson, Herbert, CAP 2-3-2, 1969
Knighten, William S., CAP 2-3-2, 1971
Leschkied, Helmut CAP 2-3-2, 1970
Montague, Ronald L., CAP 2-3-2, 68-69
Praino, Robert, CAP 2-3-2, 70-71
Richardson, Michael, Corpsman, CAP 2-2-2, 1970
Shy, Ron K, CAP 2-3-2, 1970
Smythe, Marck, CAP 2-3-2
Weber, Frank CAP 2-3-2
CAP 2-3-3:
Acosta, Jesse A., CAP 2-3-3, 68-69
Grensky, Ed, CAP 2-3-3, 1970
Hickman, Wayne CAP 2-3-3, 1970
Isaacson, Neil CAP 2-3-3
Iverson, William, CAP 2-3-3
Julson, Charlie, CAP 2-3-3, 1970
McCollum, Doug, CAP 2-3-3, 70-71
McClaine, Pat CAP 2-3-3
Mullen, Bob CAP 2-3-3, 66-67
Sassin, Dale, CAP 2-3-3, 70-71
Snyder, Wayne "Dink", CAP 2-3-3, 69-70
Wonderlich, Randy, CAP 2-3-3, 1971
CAP 2-3-4: Vinh Tho Village, Dien Ban District
Adamsak, Dave, CAP 2-3-4, 70-71
Ayres, John, CAP 2-3-4, 70-71
Ayscue, Marty, CAP 2-3-4, 70-71
Brewer, J.T., CAP 2-3-4, 70-71
Brown, Buddy, CAP 2-3-4, 70-71
Carpenter, Dale, CAP 2-3-4, 1970
Dietzman, Henry "DOC"CAP 2-3-4, 1970
Dubiel, Bruce CAP 2-3-4
Gonzalez, Sergio, CAP 2-3-4, 69-70
Jackson, Herbert, CAP 2-3-4, 1969
Kennedy, Mark, CAP 2-3-4, 1969
Lamkin, Richard "Butch", CAP 2-3-4, 1971
Legenzhoff, Joseph D., CAP 2-3-4, 1971
McGowen, Steve, CAP 2-3-4, 70-71
Oxley, Bill, CAP 2-3-4
Pullen, James L., CAP CO, 70-71
Quintanna, S.A., CAP 2-3-4, 70-71
Robert, Robert "Tito" , CAP 2-3-3, 69-70
Robertson, Tom, CAP 2-3-4, 70-71
Rutter, Mark, CAP 2-3-4, 70-71
Stevens, Terry CAP 2-3-4, 67-69
Wiegand, Rick, CAP 2-3-4, 1969
Yurick, Rick, CAP 2-3-4, 68-69
CAP 2-3-5:
Burke, William D., LCpl., KIA June 18, 1969, CAP 2-3-5, Panel 22W, Row 072
Canell, Jim CAP 2-3-5, Corpsman
Cotey, Ray C., CAP 2-3-5, 1969
Courtney, Michael J., LCpl, KIA August 29, 1970, CAP 2-3-5
Harrington, David, CAP 2-3-5
Hawkes, Albert F.G., CAP 2-3-5, 69-70
Korus, Gene, CAP 2-3-5, 69-70
Nation, Bob, CAP 2-3-5, 70-71
Oddo, Anthony P., Pfc, KIA February 10, 1970, CAP 2-3-5, Panel 14W - Row 123
Osborne, David F., CAP 2-3-5, 70-73 (Died January 4, 2003)
Schmitz, Ken, CAP 2-3-5, 1971
Semmens, Joe "Slime"Joe "Slime" Semmens (My father passed away and i was just writing to inform you. His name was Joseph Semmens of Cap 2-3-5. 11/1/2007), CAP 2-3-5, 69-70
Snyder, Wayne "Dink", CAP 2-3-5, 69-70
Von Spreckelsen, Jeffrey, CAP 2-3-5, 70-71
CAP 2-3-6:
Arvelo, Philip, CAP 2-3-6, 69-70
Dubiel, Bruce CAP 2-3-6
Farmer, Jim, CAP 2-3-6 Commander, Jan-May, 1971
Fouch, Doug, CAP 2-3-6, 1970
Kennedy, Mark, CAP 2-3-6, 1969
Locke, Ned R., CAP 2-3-6, 69-70
Mezei, Pete, CAP 2-3-6, 1969
Miller, William H., CAP 2-3-6, 1970
Moore, David J., CAP 2-3-6, 70-71
Nation, Bob, CAP 2-3-6, 70-71
Organ, John F., CAP 2-3-6
Perrill, Charles, CAP 2-3-6, 1969
Reinhart, Bud, CAP 2-3-6
Robert, Robert "Tito" , CAP 2-3-3, 69-70
Smith, Frank, CAP 2-3-6
Stevens, Terry, CAP 2-3-6
CAP 2-3-7:
Bender, Barry R. CAP 2-3-7, 69-70
Falco, Art CAP 2-3-7
Dietzman, Henry "DOC", CAP 2-3-7, 1970
Locke, Ned R., CAP 2-3-7, 69-70
McGowen, Steve, CAP 2-3-7, 70-71
McLemore, Ronald L. CAP 2-3-7, 70-71
Rilea, MichaelCAP 2-3-7, 70-71
Nation, Bob, CAP 2-3-7, 70-71
Robertson, Tom, CAP 2-3-7, 1971
Sallinger, John E. CAP 2-3-7, Corpsman
Wolfsandle, Charles, CAP 2-3-7, 70-71
CAP 2-3-8:
Eggerding, Art CAP 2-3-8 Sallinger, John E. CAP 2-3-8
Verheek, Gary, CAP 2-3-8, 70-71
CAP 2-3-9:
Archer, Bill CAP 2-3-9
Duggins, Roger, CAP 2-3-9, 1970
Gonyea, Mike, CAP 2-3-9
Guess, Tom, CAP 2-3-9, 70-71
Sassin, Dale, CAP 2-3-9, 70-71
Shuttleton, Rick, CAP 2-3-9, NOTE: this goes to Rick's son
Smith, Randall Sr., CAP 2-3-9, 70-71
CAP 2-3-10:
Dolezal, Ken, CAP 2-3-10, 70-71
Nation, Bob, CAP 2-3-10, 70-71
Rash, Lee, CAP 2-3-10, 70-71
Smith, Mike, CAP 2-3-10, 70-71
Verheek, Gary, CAP 2-3-10, 70-71
CACO 2-4: Hieu Nhon District, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Bengan, Arthur, 1st. Sgt., KIA November 1, 1969, CACO 2-4, Panel 16W, Line 011
Bratcher, Leigh CAP 2-4
Deal, Teri, CACO 2-4
Johnson, Robert (Robin), CACO 2-4, 1970
Saddler, T.R. CAP 2-4, CO
Sharp, Gary CAP 2-4, Hoi An
Smith, Mike, CAP 2-3-10, 70-71
Tuke, Robert D. CAP CACO, XO, CO 2-4
CAP 2-4-1:
Bolden, Stephen "Doc", CAP 2-4-1, 70-71
Brady, Larry, CAP 2-4-1, 70-71
Buck, Bill, CAP 2-4-1
Carman, Robert Leon "Doc", HM-3, KIA August 10, 1968, CAP 2-4-1, Panel 49W, Row 038
Duplessis, Clarence R., CAP 2-4-1, 67-68
Faulk, Larry, CAP 2-4-1, 1971
Isaacs, Larry, CAP 2-4-1, 68-69
Kerwin, Harold "Pat", Jr., CAP 2-4-1, 70-71
Lutes, "Doc", CAP 2-4-1, 70-71
Olson, Rod, CAP 2-4-1, 70-71
Ponton, Ron, CAP 2-4-1
Riemer, Louis C. , CAP 2-4-1, 70-71
Rivera, Hector CAP 2-4-1, 1970
Sinker, Larry, CAP 2-4-1, 1970
Wagner, Jim "Wags", CAP 2-4-1, 1971
CAP 2-4-2: Vinh Chau Island
Barger David, CAP 2-4-2, 1970
Bonnett, George F., LCpl, KIA, August 16, 1969, CAP 2-4-2, Panel 19W, Line 049
Bray, Tim CAP 2-4-2
Daane, Doug, HM3, KIA June 1, 1970, CAP 2-4-2
Day, Willilam F. "Doc", CAP 2-4-2, 68-69
Deal, Teri, CAP 2-4-2
Egger, Randy E., CAP 2-4-2 68-69
Fish, Gary CAP 2-4-2
Flannelly, John, CAP 2-4-2, Dog Handler, 68-69
Holland, Dr. Freeman>, CAP 2-4-2, 70-71
How might I add these pics to my name on the roster and/or the 2-4-2 roster? This was sometime in mid June or some time after, before we lost most of the guys in an ambush where they caught us. I am hoping that someone might recognize me and I can find out more about the others in the group that joined up with me later. Oddly (or happily) I still do not remember much about that time. I remember burning out the barrell of my M16, not much more. I guess I was in a fog.
Keep up the GREAT work!!!
Dr. Freeman Holland |
Honadel, Jim, CAP 2-4-2, 69-70
Johnson, Biff, CAP 2-4-2, 70-71
Johnson, Bob, CAP 2-4-2, Nov 67 - Jun 68
Kerwin, Pat
Lee, Terrance R., CAP 2-4-2, 1969
Lewis, Woodie, CAP 2-4-2, 1969
Lodoen, Mylon, CAP 2-4-2, 69-70
Moya, Felix
Nielsen, Mark, CAP 2-4-2, 1969
Norton, Sandy, CAP 2-4-2, 70-71
Orvis, Gerald CAP 2-4-2
Oxley, William H. CAP 2-4-2
Reiff, Howard, CAP 2-4-2
Riemer, Louis C. , CAP 2-4-2, 70-71
Rilma, Lou
Santiago, Jerry, CAP 2-4-2, 69-70
Smith, Elmer Jack, CAP 2-4-2, 68-69
Thoney, Lee
Tyndall, Harlold L. "Duck"
Valent, James E., CAP 2-4-2, 69-70
Wardlaw, Sandy, CAP 2-4-2
Winebarger, Dewey, CAP 2-4-2
CAP 2-4-3:
Befort, George CAP 2-4-3
Bratcher, Leigh CAP 2-4-3
Bupp, Gary, CAP 2-4-3, 70-71
Clark, Richard A. CAP 2-4-3
Crisp, Richard "Chet", CAP 2-4-3, 1969
Day, Willilam F. "Doc", CAP 2-4-3, 68-69
Ensminger, Dave CAP 2-4-3
Farmer, James, CAP 2-4-3, 70-71
Fish, Gary CAP 2-4-3
Gometz, Ron "Gator", CAP 2-4-3, 70-71
Guevara, Joseph Herman "Che", Cap 2-4-3, 69-70
Hall, Frank, Jr., LCpl., KIA December 22, 1969, CAP 2-4-3, Panel 15W, Line 081
My brother, Bruce "Doc" Herbertson (CAP 2-4-3, 2-4-5, 68-69), passed away in July, 2002.
Christine Knott
Fort Bragg, NC 28310
If you knew "Doc", Christine would like to hear from you: Christine Knott
Harrell, Allen J., CAP 2-4-3
Honadel, Jim, CAP 2-4-3, 69-70
Howard, George W., Corpsman, CAP 2-4-3
Note: this e-mail goes to Leigh Brathcher. He will forward it to George Howard
James, Robert Lee, LCpl., KIA September 2, 1970, CAP 2-4-3, Panel 07W, Row 034
King, Jim, CAP 2-4-3
Kortz, Joe, CAP 2-4-3
Lee, L., CAP 2-4-3, 68-69
Lewis, Woodie, CAP 2-4-3, 1969
Lirette, Wil "Frenchie", CAP 2-4-3, 1968
Lutes, "Doc" CAP 2-4-3, 70-71
Medley, Willie, CAP 2-4-3, 70-71
Patino, Richard, CAP 2-4-3, 70-71
Ponton, Ron, CAP 2-4-3
Orvis, Gerald CAP 2-4-3
Schelberg, Rick, CAP 2-4-3, 1969
Semi, Don, CAP 2-4-3, Aug70-Jun71
Smith, Clint, CAP 2-4-3
Sundberg, A.W. "Sunny" CAP 2-4-3
Taft, John, CAP 2-4-3
Webber, James Thomas, Pfc., KIA June 28, 1970, CAP 2-4-3, Panel 09W, Row 101
CAP 2-4-4:
Befort, George CAP 2-4-4
Bratcher, Leigh CAP 2-4-4
Cox, Wally Glynn, CAP 2-4-4, 1970
Delao, Larry, CAP 2-4-4. 1970,
Guevara, Joseph Herman "Che", Cap 2-4-4, 69-70
Harris, Richard, CAP 2-4-4, 69-70
Hodnett, Ray, CAP 2-4-4, 1970
McDougal, Joseph, CAP 2-4-4, 1968
Reiff, Howard, CAP 2-4-4
Walker, Richard Dennis, CAP 2-4-4, 69-70
CAP 2-4-5:
Butler, Jimmie Joe, Sgt., KIA November 1, 1969, CAP 2-4-5, Panel 16W, Row 011
Crawford, John, CAP 2-4-5, 69-70
Harris, Richard, CAP 2-4-5, 69-70
My brother, Bruce "Doc" Herbertson (CAP 2-4-3, 2-4-5, 68-69), passed away in July, 2002.
Christine Knott
Fort Bragg, NC 28310
If you knew "Doc", Christine would like to hear from you: Christine Knott
O'Brien, Steve "Doc" CAP 2-4-5, 1970
Ponton, Ron, CAP 2-4-5
Reid, Conrad, CAP 2-4-5, 69-70
Santiago, Jerry, CAP 2-4-5, 69-70
Scalzo, Charles, CAP 2-4-5, 70-71
Valdez, Joe, CAP 2-4-5, 69-70
Valent, James E., CAP 2-4-5, 69-70
Voelker, Marvin Aldrid, Jr., KIA, November 25, 1969, CAP 2-4-5, Panel 16W, Row 123
Wardlaw, Sandy CAP 2-4-5
Workman, James, CAP 2-4-5
CAP 2-4-6:
Cross, Michael D., CAP 2-4-6, 70-71
King, Jim, CAP 2-4-6
Lutes, "Doc" CAP 2-4-6, 70-71
Thueme, Ed, CAP 2-4-6, 1971
Upton, David S., CAP 2-4-6
CAP 2-4-7:
Acison, Vincent M., CAP 2-4-7, 70-71
Berry, Chuck, CAP 2-4-7
Bupp, Gary, CAP 2-4-7, 70-71
Harrell, Allen J., CAP 2-4--7
Longmire, Rocky, CAP 2-4-7, 70-71
Ponton, Ron, CAP 2-4-7
Scalzo, Charles, CAP 2-4-7, 70-71
Semi, Don, CAP 2-4-7, Aug70-Jun71
Valent, James E., CAP 2-4-7, 69-70
Walker, Richard Dennis, CAP 2-4-7, 69-70
CACO 2-5: Hoa Vang District, Quang Nam Province
CAP 2-5-1: Loi Giang
Beck, Gene, CAP 2-5-1
Bundy, Don, CAP 2-5-1, 68-69
Day, Wayne, CAP 2-5-1
Frakes, Ron, CAP 2-5-1, 68-69
Glancy, John "Doc", CAP 2-5-1, 69-70
Howard, George W., Corpsman, CAP 2-5-1
Note: this e-mail goes to Leigh Brathcher. He will forward it to George Howard
Kruger, Frank, CAP 2-5-1, 68-89
Pollock, Victor F. , CAP 2-5-1, 67-68
Reynolds, Scott, CAP 2-5-1
Stone, Ron "Cowboy", CAP 2-5-1, 67-68
CAP 2-5-2:
Bundy, Don, CAP 2-5-2, 68-69
Glancy, John "Doc", CAP 2-5-2
Grogan, John, CAP 2-5-2, 67-68
Spain, Jim, CAP 2-5-2
CAP 2-5-3: (AKA Echo 3)
Beck, Gene, CAP 2-5-3
Dutton, Rodney A., CAP 2-5-3, 68-69
Frakes, Ron, CAP 2-5-3, 68-69
Jenness, Jerry, CAP 2-5-3, Corpsman, 68-69
McClancy, Robert, CAP 2-5-3, 68-69
Reynolds, Scott CAP 2-5-3
CAP 2-5-4:
Bundy, Don, CAP 2-5-4, 68-69
CAP 2-5-5:
Blevins, Anthony James, Pfc , KIA August 23, 1968, CAP 2-5-5, Panel 47W, Line 045
Didelot, Danny, CAP 2-5-5, 1968
Farley, Gary, CAP 2-5-5, 1968
Hansen, Arlo, CAP 2-5-5, 1968
Ovesney, Tommy, CAP 2-5-5, 1968
Patten, Lonnie W., CAP 2-5-5
Rouquette, Jimmy /a>, CAP 2-5-5
Smith, Joseph E. Cpl, KIA August 20, 1968, CAP 2-5-5, Panel 47W, Line 012
Stahlbock, Dennis, CAP 2-5-5, 68-69
Stone (Sgt.), CAP 2-5-5, 1968 Yerkes, Kenny, CAP 2-5-5, 1968
CAP 2-5-6:
Beck, Gene, CAP 2-5-6
Frakes, Ron, CAP 2-5-6, 68-69
CAP 2-5-7: Hoa Thinh
Frakes, Ron, CAP 2-5-7, 68-69
CACO 2-7: Hoa Vang District, Quang Nam Province
Epley, Geary, CACO 2-7, 70-71
Hofacker, Al, CACO 2-7, 70-71
Ivy, Jim, CACO 2-7
Mallard, Bob CAP 2-7, CACO
Mines, Mike, CACO 2-7, 70-71
Simmons, Al "Big Al", CACO 2-7, 1970
Young, Brock, CACO 2-7
CAP 2-7-1
Baltzell, A.J., CAP 2-7-1
Beck, Gene, CAP 2-7-1
Bender, Barry R. CAP 2-7-1, 69-70
Brooks, Terry West CAP 2-7-1
Coots, Michael G. (Woody), CAP 2-7-1, 1970
Cotton, Russ, CAP 2-7-1, 1970
Delgado, Arturo. CAP 2-7-1, 1970
Dutton, Rodney A., CAP 2-7-1, 68-69
Hollon, Merle R., CAP 2-7-1, 70-71
Kuhn, George A., CAP 2-7-1, 1970
Martinez, Luis CAP 2-7-1, 70-71
Oberlitner, Michael D., CAP 2-7-1
Patton, Bruce, CAP 2-7-1, 1970
Pollock, Victor F. , CAP 2-7-1, 67-68
Read, Robert, CAP 2-7-1
Russell, Walter CAP 2-7-1
Sawyer, Don CAP 2-7-1
Schranz, Edward "Skip", CAP 2-7-1, 1970
Stidham, G.L., CAP 2-7-1
Wallace, Jim, CAP 2-7-1, 70-71
Warren, Charles CAP 2-7-1
Westbrooks, Terry, CAP 2-7-1
Simmons, Allen "Big Al", CAP 2-7-1, 1970
Wallace, Jim, CAP 2-7-1, 70-71
CAP 2-7-2: Thanh Quit (1) Village, Dien Banh District, Quang Nam Province
Arteaga, John J. LCpl, KIA, September 10, 1970, CAP 2-7-2,
Bowers, James R., CAP 2-7-2
Bowles, William F., CAP 2-7-2
Burd, Allison, CAP 2-7-2
Carrier, Robert J. "RJ", CAP 2-7-2
Clementoni, Lou, CAP 2-7-2
Cook, David "Red", TDY Dog Handler
Day, "Doc", CAP 2-7-2
Diaz, "Dizzy", CAPs 2-7-2, 2-7-6
Doggett, Rick "Doc", CAP 2-7-2
Duncan, Ken "Dunc", CAP 2-7-2, CACO 2-7, 3rd CAG
Erpelding, R.D. "Erp", CAP 2-7-2
Fulfer, "Willie" Nathan, CAP 2-7-2
Gallagher, Daniel F., LCpl, KIA, September 10, 1970, CAP 2-7-2, Panel 07W, Line 052
Goatley, Melvin H. "Mike", CAP 2-7-2
Goodwill, Jack, CAP 2-7-2
Graham, Richard, CAP 2-7-2, 1971
Harper, Michael L., CAP 2-7-2
Harris, Patrick O., CAP 2-7-2
Hernandez, Paul "Tex", CAP 2-7-2
Hipple, Robert "Doc", CAP 2-7-2
Hutson, Frank, CAP 2-7-2
Janevski, Miodrag, CAP 2-7-2
Jungel, Paul M., CAP 2-7-2
Keller, Greg, Pfc, KIA July 18, 1970, CAP 2-7-2, Panel 08W - Row 028
Kilmister, Nelson C., CAP 2-7-2
King, Sam, CAPs 2-7-2, 2-7-3, 2-7-10
Kubina, Mike, CAPs 2-7-2, 2-7-3
Lane, David, CAP 2-7-2
Ledford, George, CAP 2-7-2
Martinez, Luis "Marty", CAP 2-7-2, 70-71
Martinez, Raphael "Marty", CAP 2-7-2
Maynor, Steve, CAP 2-7-2
McIntyre, Ed, CAP 2-7-2, 69-70
Miller, Dan, Dog Handler, CAP 2-7-2
Morony, Dennis Paul, CAP 2-7-2
Motley, Dwight L. "Mot", CAP 2-7-2
Moyzis, Alan, CAP 2-7-2
Omey, Gary L., CAP 2-7-2
Paige, John, CAP 2-7-2
Pelletiere, Steve "Frenchy", CAP 2-7-2
Perez, Encarnacion "Chon", CAP 2-7-2
Phillips, Andrew M., KIA January 14, 1970, CAP 2-7-2, Panel 14W - Row 035
Pizz, Frank W., CAP 2-7-2
Prock, Dennis "Huck", CAP 2-7-2
Rivas, Ernest, CAP 2-7-2
Roach, Casey "Country", CAP 2-7-2
Rusaw, David N., CAP 2-7-2
Short, Terry A., CAP 2-7-2
Shirley, "Scottie" D., CAP 2-7-2
Short, Terry A., CAP 2-7-2
Sigouin, John "Crazy", CAP 2-7-2
Smith, Frank John, KIA, October 2, 1968, CAP 2-7-2, Panel 42W, Line 064
Spillane, Timothy, CAP 2-7-2
Squier, Douglas J., CAP 2-7-2
St. Germain, Ray, CAP 2-7, 68-70
Thomas, Larry, CAP 2-7-2
Thornton, Roch, CAP 2-7-2, 70-71
Todd, Milton E., CAP 2-7-2
Trimble, Glenn, CAP 2-7-2
Wallace, Jim, CAP 2-7-2, 70-71
Washington, Angel, CAP 2-7-2
Whitmer, Kenneth E., KIA March 24, 1970, CAP 2-7-2, Panel 12W, Line 041
Wilkinson, Wayne "Wilkie", CAP 2-7-2
Williams, Charles H. "Willie", CAP 2-7-2
Wood, Daniel L., Pfc, KIA January 14, 1970, CAP 2-7-2, Panel 14W, Row 035
Zarosinski, Al "Zorro", CAP 2-7-2
CAP 2-7-3
Beck, Gene, CAP 2-7-3
Bird, J. Craig CAP 2-7-3
Carbone, Donald Jr., CAP 2-7-3, 69-70
Disaver, Lee, died on Feb. 4, 2003 in Hoyt, Kansas, CAP 2-7-3, 1969
Hronek, Jim, CAP 2-7-3
King, Sam, CAP 2-7-3
Maguire, Mike, CAP 2-7-3
Martinez, Luis CAP 2-7-3, 70-71
Maurer, Arthur, CAP 2-7-3, 70-71
McCrory, S.O. "Mac", CAP 2-7-3, 69-70
Ply, Jimmy "J.D.", CAP 2-7-3, 68-70
Poppino, Mickey "POP", CAP 2-7-3
Read, Robert, CAP 2-7-3
Rich, Jerry, CAP 2-7-3
Scholle, Philip S., CAP 2-7-3, 69-70
Thomas, Bob, CAP 2-7-3
Thurman, Paul M., CAP 2-7-3
Wingard, Stephen "Doc", CAP 2-7-3
CAP 2-7-4:
| Boyte, Tom, CAP 2-7-4, 70-71
Brooks, Terry West CAP 2-7-4
Brown, John C., CAP 2-7-4, 69-70
Clare, Dan "Bird", CAP 2-7-4, 1970
Clementoni, Lou, CAP 2-7-4
Driggers, Jack, CAP 2-7-4, 70-71
Fralin, Fred, CAP 2-7-4
King, Sam, CAP 2-7-4
McCrory, S.O. "Mac", CAP 2-7-4, 69-70
McKinney, Michael L. CAP 2-7-4
Patton, Bruce, CAP 2-7-4, 1970
Prothro, Channing Richard "Blinky", CAP 2-7-4 (Died 21 Feb 2014, Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery)
Sanchez, Juan Manuel "Doc", CAP 2-7-4, 70-71
Simmons, Allen "Big Al", CAP 2-7-4, 1970
Soper, Steve, CAP 2-7-4, 1969
Vollberg, Jim, CAP 2-7-4, 70-71
Westbrooks, Terry, CAP 2-7-4
CAP 2-7-5: (AKA Golf 5)
Delgado, Arturo, CAP 2-7-5, 1970
Flannelly, John, CAP 2-7-5, Dog Handler, 68-69
Freeman, Melvin, CAP 2-7-5, 1969
Harris, Patrick O., CAP 2-7-5, 1969
Johnson, Robert, CAP 2-7-5, 1969
Kuhn, George A., CAP 2-7-5, 1970
Milano, Joseph, CAP 2-7-5 |
I am sending this for my husband John Wilkerson, 2-7-5. It is our sad duty to inform you of the death of Joseph Milano, he passed about 10 years ago. Unfortunately the war got him in the end. We salute him and wish that the site would update the roster to show his passing. I do not know the exact date without doing some research and do not wish to bother his parents or children with this question. If you need the exact date let me know in a return email and I will do the research.
Thank you,
Elayne Wilkerson
Morony, Dennis Paul, CAP 2-7-5
Pugh, Sam, CAP 2-7-5, 1969
Segool, R. "Frenchy", CAP 2-7-5, 69-70
Thurman, Paul M. CAP 2-7-5
Wilkerson, John D., CAP 2-7-5
CAP 2-7-6:
Anderson, Greg, CAP 2-7-6, 1969
Befort, George, CAP 2-7-6
Brown, John C., CAP 2-7-6, 69-70
Brown, Murray G., CAP 2-7-6, 1968
Christiansen, Axel, CAP 2-7-6, 1969
Doty, Dallas, CAP 2-7-6, 69-70
Hofacker, Al, CAP 2-7-6 70-71
Melton, Guy, CAP 2-7-6, 1971
Quernemoen, Gary, CAP 2-7-6, 69-70
Randall, Keith, CAP 2-7-6, 68-69
Ryan, Al, CAP 2-7-6, 70-71
Spillane, Timothy CAP 2-7-6
CAP 2-7-7:
Baltzell, A.J., CAP 2-7-7
Bird, J. Craig CAP 2-7-7
Graham, Richard, CAP 2-7-7, 70-71
McCrory, S.O. "Mac", CAP 2-7-7, 69-70
Moses, Roland, 70, CAP 2-7-7
Robertson, T.L., 70, CAP 2-7-7
Spillane, Timothy, CAP 2-7-7
White, Phil, 69-70, CAP 2-7-7
CAP 2-7-8:
Boyte, Tom, CAP 2-7-8, 70-71
Carrol, Douglas "Brutus", LCpl, KIA May 15, 1970, CAP 2-7-8, Panel 10W; Row 045
Coots, Michael "Woody", CAP 2-7-8, 1970
Melton, Guy, CAP 2-7-8, 1971
Spillane, Timothy CAP 2-7-8
Thurman, Paul M. CAP 2-7-8
CAP 2-7-9: (AKA CAP 2-7-3 prior to Jan, 1970)
Baltzell, A.J., CAP 2-7-9
Graham, Richard, CAP 2-7-9, 1971
King, Sam, CAP 2-7-9
Maguire, Mike, CAP 2-7-9, 1970
Poppino, Mickey "POP", CAP 2-7-9
Stoehrmann, Rich, CAP 2-7-9, 1970
CAP 2-7-10:
Brooks, Terry West CAP 2-7-10
Caiado, Ed, CAP 2-7-10, Dog Handler, 70-71
Coonfield, William "Doc", CAP 2-7-10, 70-71
Cooper, Neil "Bama", CAP 2-7-10, 1970
Daoust, Tim, CAP 2-7-10, 69-70
Donoghue, Bill "Doc", CAP 2-7-10, Nov70-Feb71
Gill, Dave CAP 2-7-10
Hernandez, Paul, CAP 2-7-10
Hofacker, Al, CAP 2-7-10 70-71
Martinez, Luis, CAP 2-7-10, 70-71
Maurer, Arthur, CAP 2-7-10, 70-71
Mines, Mike, CAP 2-7-10, 70-71
Soderberg, Gregory, CAP 2-7-10, 70-71
Spillane, Timothy CAP 2-7-10 CAP 2-7-10, 70-71
Singleton, Al, CAP 2-7-10, 69-70
Tomma, Bob, CAP 2-7-10
Westbrooks, Terry, CAP 2-7-10
Wright, Mike, CAP 2-7-10, 69-70
CACO 2-8: Hoa Vang District, Quang Nam Province
Hillbrand, Darryl, CACO 2-8, 69-70
Randall, Bill, CACO 2-8, 1969
Tomlin, Richard D., CACO 2-8 (Aug 69 � July 70)
Verheek, Gary, CAP 2-8, 70-71
CAP 2-8-1:
Bateman, James Austin, Sgt., KIA May 16, 1969, CAP 2-8-1 (Panel 24W, Line 024)
Giernacky, Gene CAP 2-8-1
Gorman, Mike CAP 2-8-1
Hillbrand, Darryl, CAP 2-8-1, 69-70
Link, William, CAP 2-8-1, 69-70
Marr, J. Raymond, CAP 2-8-1
Morales, Mark, CAP 2-8-1, 69-70
Moss, George CAP 2-8-1
Snyder, Wayne "Dink", CAP 2-8-1, 69-70
Throckmorton, Butch, CAP 2-8-1
CAP 2-8-2:
Calton, Claude M. CAP 2-8-2
Hillbrand, Darryl, CAP 2-8-2, 69-70
Robison, Clarence, CAP 2-8-2, 68-70
Daoust, Tim, CAP 2-8-2, 69-70
Smythe, Marck, CAP 2-8-2
Snyder, Wayne "Dink", CAP 2-8-2, 69-70
CAP 2-8-3:
Ehlers, Gene, CAP 2-8-3, 1969
Giernacky, Gene CAP 2-8-3
Hawkey, Louie Elmer, Pfc, KIA August 20, 1969, CAP 2-8-3, Panel 20W - Row 113
Lagerquist, Vince CAP 2-8-3
Marr, Raymond J., CAP 2-8-3
Maus, Richard, CAP 2-8-3
McIntosh, Richard Robert, Sgt, KIA August 20, 1969, CAP 2-8-3, Panel 19W - Row 080
Morales, Mark, CAP 2-8-3, 69-70
Poe, Steven M. "Doc", KIA August 20, 1969, CAP 2-8-3, Panel 19W - Row 118
Stoyak, Frank, CAP 2-8-3
Sundberg, A.W. "Sunny", CAP 2-8-3
Swiers, Chuck, CAP 2-8-3, 69-70
Worthen, Joseph,CAP 2-8-3, 67-69
CAP 2-8-4:
Gorman, Mike CAP 2-8-4
Jones, Kenneth H., CAP 2-8-4, 69-70
Marr, Raymond J., CAP 2-8-4
Nichols, Gary D., CAP 2-8-4, 1970
Rishel, George, CAP 2-8-4, 2nd. CAG HQ, 68-69
CAP 2-8-5:
Marr, Raymond J., CAP 2-8-5
Patten, Lonnie W. CAP 2-8-5
CAP 2-8-7:
Moss, George CAP 2-8-7
CACO 2-9: Duc Duc District, Quang Nam Province
CAP 2-9-1:
Barger, David (c/o Ben Webster), CAP 2-9-1
Benn, John Henry, CAP 2-9-1, 1969
Hancock, Marc, CAP 2-9-1, 1969
Kupetz, John, CAP 2-9-1, 68-69
Prather, George L., Jr. CAP 2-9-1
Sassin, Dale, CAP 2-9-1, 70-71
CAP 2-9-2: Mau Chanh
Asbury, Donnie D., Pfc., KIA August 11, 1970, CAP 2-9-2, Panel 08W, Line 102
Barger, David (c/o Ben Webster), CAP 2-9-2
Boogard, Ed, CAP 2-9-2
Combs, John, CAP 2-9-2, 1970
Cunningham, John, CAP 2-9-2, 70-71
Defina, Frank W. CAP 2-9-2
Dros, George, CAP 2-9-2, 70-71, (This e-mail will go to Jack Cunningham for the time being)
Eiferd, Donald K., CAP 2-9-2, 70-71
Hood, Jerry, CAP 2-9-2
Mattice, Michael, CAP 2-9-2, Corpsman, 1970
Otto, Jason, CAP 2-9-2, 68-69
Prather, George L., Jr. CAP 2-9-2
Stinger, Jim, CAP 2-9-2
Sundberg, A.W. "Sunny" CAP 2-9-2
Verheek, Gary, CAP 2-9-2, 70-71
Westerman, Terry, CAP 2-9-2, 68-69
CAP 2-9-3:
Jackson, D.E., CAG 2-9-3, 1970
CAP 2-10-2:
Prather, George L., Jr. CAP 2-10-2
CUPP Kilo 3/26
Arender, Loyde P., CUPP Kilo 3/26, 69-70
Baxter, Jay, XO & S3, 3rd. CAG, 68-69
Bear, Dr. Larry G., 3rd. CAG MT, 68-69
Casper, Jim, 3rd. CAG HQ, 68-69
Cerrone, Joseph Carmen, Jr., Sgt., KIA August 18, 1968, 3rd. CAG, Panel 48W, Row 039
Crawley, Willie, 3rd. CAG HQ, 69-70
Cubel, Robert, Hdq 3rd. CAG, 69
Dagnall, David, 3rd. CAG HQ, MT
Denecke, John CAP 3rd. CAG, Scout Dog Handler, 69-70 (NOTE: John Denecke died, June, 1998)
Dufault, Paul, Pfc, KIA June 18, 1970, 3rd. CAG, Panel 09W, Line 064
Duffie, Tim, 3rd. CAG HQ, 1967
Franks, John S., CAP 3rd. CAG MT 69-70
Gray, Thomas (AKA Thomas Borngraeber), 3rd. CAG, 69-70
Hitt, Jeff, 3rd. CAG HQ, 1967
Jones, Philip H., 3rd. CAG HQ, 67-68
Keiling, Ed, 3rd. CAG, 1969
King, David, Corpsman, 3rd. CAG HQ, 67-68
LaClair, Spencer, 3rd. CAG HQ, 68-69
Lafferty, Bill, 3rd. CAG, 2nd. Platoon, 1969
Lindsey, Fermon, GySgt 3rd CAG: passed away October 23, 2002...if anyone cares to send a note to Mrs. Fermon Lindsey
McGiffin, Carey, 3rd. CAG HQ, 68-69
Murphy, Vincent Patrick, Sgt., KIA, June 5, 1970, 3rd. CAG, Panel 09W, Line 015
Parker, Ed, 3rd. CAG HQ, 69-70
Ray, Richard, 3rd. CAG HQ, 68-69
Rivera, Joseph A., 3rd CAG HQ S-2, 68-69
Sellers, Jim, 3rd. CAG Sickbay, 69
Steinbruegge, Lawrence E., 3rd. CAG Supply Chief, 1969
Weed, Tom, 3rd. CAG, 1969
Young, Ed3rd. CAG, 1967
CACO 3-1: Huong Thuy
Houston, W.W. "Bill", CACO 3-1, 68-69
Posner, John, CAP 3-1(?), 1966
Saucier, Ron, CAC 3-1
Shockey, LtCol. Kent, CACO 3-1, 69-70
CAP 3-1-1
Silverman, Michael, CAP 3-1-1, 68-69
Simmons, Carl, CAP 3-1-1
Stutzman, Doug, CAP 3-1-1, 69-70
CAP 3-1-2:
Baltzell, A.J., CAP 3-1-2
CAP 3-1-3:
Beyer, Fredric Read, CAP 3-1-3
Clancey, Dennis, CAP 3-1-3
Douglas, Bob, CAP 3-1-3
Downes, Andre', CAP 3-1-3, 68-69
LUKEY, Geoffrey John, LCPL, CAP 3-1-3 (Drowned), 6Oct69, Panel 17W Line 046 (buried in Calgary AB, Canada)
Nelson, Robert E., CAP 3-1-3, 68-69
Reed, Cliff, CAP 3-1-3, 69-70
CAP 3-1-4:
Beyer, Fredric Read, CAP 3-1-4
Parks, Lawrence M., CAP 3-1-4
Gremillion, Douglas E., CAP 3-1-4
Peterson, Mike, CAP 3-1-4
Silverman, Michael, CAP 3-1-4, 68-69
CAP 3-1-5:
Boyles, Dennis CAP 3-1-5
Carver, Elgin, CAP 3-1-5 1969
Clark, John, CAP3-1-5, 69-70
Don "Doc" Converso, CAP 3-1-5 1969. (He is now deceased.)
Dudt, Kurt, CAP 3-1-5
Maldonado, Bob, CAP 3-1-5
Westwood, Tim CAP 3-1-5
CAP 3-1-6:
Davis, J.R., CAP 3-1-6, 68-69
Lewandowski, Andy CAP 3-1-6
Moenssens, Robert, CAP 3-1-6, 69-70
Raley, John T., CAP 3-1-6, 1969
CAP 3-1-7:
Allen, Paul R., CAP 3-1-7, 69-70
Duggins, Roger, CAP 3-1-7, 1970
Jones, Rodney C., CAP 3-1-7
Slattery, Den, CAP 3-1-7
CAP 3-1-8: Phu Loc
Allen, Paul R., CAP 3-1-8, 69-70
Lango, Michael R. CAP 3-1-8
Peterson, Mike, CAP 3-1-8
Raley, John T., CAP 3-1-8, 1969
Stutzman, Doug, CAP 3-1-8, 69-70
CAP 3-1-9:
Allen, Paul R., CAP 3-1-9, 69-70
Beyer, Fredric Read CAP 3-1-9
CAC/CAP 3-1: Tuy Loan
Azza, John, CAC 3-1
Borah, William E., CAP 3-1
Bullens, Fred, CAC 3-1
Cindrich, Paul C., CAC 3-1
Clancey, Dennis E., CAC 3-1, 1970
Cullen, Thomas J., Sgt., KIA November 8, 1967, CAP 3-1
Dingus, Michael Cpl, KIA December 6, 1967, CAP 3-1
Donovan, Jim, CAC 3-1
Fink, Jeffrey, CAC 3-1
Forest, Lorenzo, CAC 3-1
Gilchrist, Kenneth B., CAC 3-1
Green, Chester C., CAC 3-1
Guess, Lowell, CAC 3-1
Hafford, Alvin E., CAC 3-1
Hardy, Robert, CAP 3-1
Hooper, Joseph D., CAC 3-1
Lambert, Bobby, CAC 3-1
Locastro, James, CAC 3-1
Martin, Robert L., CAC 3-1
Millard, Ray, CAC 3-1 Murnam, Gary G., CAC 3-1
Murphy, Larry D., CAC 3-1
Olimpo, John A., CAC 3-1
Owens, James, CAC 3-1
Posner, John H., CAC 3-1
Roscoe, Gregory T., CAC 3-1, 66-67
Saucier, Ron, CAC 3-1
Shields, Mike, CAC 3-1
Shockey, Lt. Col. Kent, CAC 3-1, CO CACO
Spearence, James T., CAC 3-1
Taylor, Carroll "Sandy", CAC 3-1 Corpsman
Unzueta, Steve, CAC 3-1
VonEgloffstein, Henry "Doc", CAC 3-1
Weis, Dave "Bear", CAC 3-1
Wilds, Freddie J., CAC 3-1
Wiley, Herbert, CAC 3-1
Worthen, J., CAC 3-1
Zahringer, Larry, CAC 3-1
Mascots: "Recon" and "Ambush". I would appreciate it if they were added to the CAC 3-1 Roster. Recon used to run patrols with us and was very good at sniffing out booby traps.
Greg Roscoe
CAC/CAP 3-1-3:
Dart, Mike, CAP 3-1-3
CAP 3-2:
Andrews, Fred O. CAC 3-2
Clancey, Dennis E., CAC 3-2, 1970
Randall, Richard CAC 3-2 Soape, Carroll CAC 3-2
Ashe, Robert CAC 3-2
CACO 3-2:
Andrews, Fred CAP 3-2 Noel, Arthur CAP 3-2, CACO
Randall, Richard A., CAP 3-2, 66-67
Sluss, Lowell A., 3rd CAG,CACO 3-2
CAP 3-2-1:
Clancy, George E., CAP 3-2-1, 69-70
Kinney, Michael CAP 3-2-1
Perritt, Jack "Bowie", CAP 3-2-1, 68-69
CAP 3-2-2:
Holbrook, Ralph, CAP 3-2-2, 69-70
Moore, Carl, CAP 3-2-2, 69-70
Reeves, Dennis L., CAP 3-2-2, 1969
Tecklenburg, Bob, CAP 3-2-2
Witt, Bob, CAP 3-2-2
CAP 3-2-3:
Archer, Bill, CAP 3-2-3 Kinney, Michael CAP 3-2-3
Jeter, Barry, CAP 3-2-3
Tecklenburg, Robert , CAP 3-2-3, 68-69
CAP 3-2-4:
Goyette, Meddie, CAP 3-2-4, 1970
Heurich, Jimmy, CAP 3-2-4, 69-70
CAP 3-2-5: Phu Loc
Clancy, George E., CAP 3-2-5, 69-70
Kinney, Michael, CAP 3-2-5
Tecklenburg, Robert , CAP 3-2-5, 68-69
Trimbach, Robert, CAP 3-2-5
CAP 3-2-6:
Kinney, Michael CAP 3-2-6
CAP 3-2-10:
Hi Tim.
I just found this site today and wanted to add some history if I may. I was originally in M/3/3 from early december 1967 to the last week of june 1968. I transfered to 3rd CAG and was in the CAP school in Phu Bai that first week of July and then went to CAP 3-2-10. We were the most southern CAP in 3rd CAG, in a village called Lang Co. Just to our south was the Hai Van pass which was the boundry between our province and the next province. The only other Marine unit near us was two companies of 3/26, about two miles south of us. Sometime near the end of November 1968, Hotel Company was split into two companies. The first five CAP's south from Phu Bai were redesignated Sierra Company and the last five stayed as Hotel. So we were renamed 3-2-5. I remember that the call sign went from "Reappoint" to "Cable Monkey". We were also relocated to another area. I guess that Lang Co was going to fend for itself. We were moved to a small village called An Bang, right in the middle of VC country, on a part of Route 1 that we called the "Red Line". Check a map of the southern part of the privince and you'll see a part of the road that is straight as an arrow for a few miles. An Bang is located about halfway on the highway. I remember that there was a lot of action there. Lots of VC movement every night. We got us a few in that month of December.
My TRD was christmas day, so I had already told my folks not to expect me until the new year. Imagine my surprise when we were sitting on an ambush on 19 December and a call came on the radio "send S-445 to the redline, he's going home." When the guy with the radio whispered it to me I wanted to shout. However, being dark and in the middle of some movement that had just come into our view, I decided to keep quiEt. Or rather the guy next to me told me he'd break my arm if I gave away our position. The movement coming down the trail faded so the Cpl called back to the rear to confirm and said that yes, I'm going home. The problem was that it was going to happen in about an hour. Now, we just couldn't figure out why anyone would send a 6x6 out in the middle of the night to pick up one guy. And the rear said it was to be tonight or not at all. I was packed and at the pickup point in less than 20 minutes! And a 6x6 did come to get me. About 2300 hours. Pitch black night, clouded over, and here comes this fool driving all by himself right in the middle of some very bad territory. I have to tell you that I was very nervous driving back. I kept my m-16 very close until we got back into the perimeter of Phu Bai.
I can remember the guys in the CAP but not their names, I'm sorry to say. I do remember one of the two corpsmen that was with us for that five months. He was "Doc" Lee. I don't remember his first name, but he was on the small side and had blonde hair. The only two Marines I remember a name for was a LCpl named Larry. I remember he had a very big mustache at a time when we wern't allowed to have them. And the other guy was Hiawatha Cathcart. I kid you not. He was half African/American and half Cherokee Indian, and I think he was from Oklahoma. Everyone else I can see in my mind's eye but without a name.
I hope this can add a little something to the CAP history. Please add my name to the roster. I stayed in the Corps and retired out in 1989. 22 years was long enough. I count my time with the CAP as some of the best.
Semper Fi
Showalter, Jim "Gunny", CAP 3-2-10, 67-68
CAC/CAP 3-3:
Ashe, Robert CAC 3-3
Owens, James CAC 3-3
Holden-Rhodes, Jim, CAC 3-3, 1968
Stein, Louis "Doc", CAC 3-3
CAP 3-3-1:
Cherry, Jimmy, CAP 3-3-1, 1969
Hines, Beecher, CAP 3-3-1, 1970
Miller, Dan, Dog Handler, CAP 3-3-1
Perritt, Jack "Bowie", CAP 3-3-1, 68-69
CAP 3-3-2:
Perritt, Jack "Bowie", CAP 3-3-2, 68-69
Cornish, Larry Irving, Cpl., KIA July 11, 1969, CAP 3-3-2, Panel 21W, Line 099
Kent, Warren Paul, CAP 3-3-2, 69-70
Strouss, Robert, HM3, CAP 3-3-2, 69-70
Rogers, Rodney Robert, HN, KIA January 9, 1970, CAP 3-3-2, Panel 14W, Line 020
Simpson, Dennis, CAP 3-3-2, 68-69
Thompson, Michael H., CAP 3-3-2
Wester, Richard, CAP 3-3-2, 1969
Woodall, Dave, CAP 3-3-2, 69-70
Wyatt, Ed, CAP 3-3-2, 69-70
CAP 3-3-3:
Biller, William "Buddha", CAP 3-3-3
Cherry, Jimmy, CAP 3-3-3, 1969
Childers, Melvin R., LCpl, KIA September 17, 1969, CAP 3-3-3, Panel 18W, Row 100
Dickinson, Gary "Duke", CAP 3-3-3, 1970
Kach, Terry M., CAP 3-3-3
Proctor, Gregory, CAP 3-3-3
Ray, Richard, CAP 3-3-3, 68-69
Rivera, Hector, CAP 3-3-3, 1970
Robbins, Don, CAP 3-3-3
White, Joseph CAP 3-3-3
CAP 3-3-4:
Proctor, Gregory CAP 3-3-4
Robert Yokley, CAP 3-3-4
CAP 3-3 5: Ba Lang/Luong Vien
Branning, Wilbur, Cpl, KIA September 16, 1968, CAP 3-3-5, Panel 43W, Line 010
Brown, Andrew, Pvt, KIA September 16, 1968, CAP 3-5-5, Panel 43W, Line 002
Bustamante, Paul, Pfc, KIA September 16, 1968, CAP 3-5-5, Panel 43W, Line 002
Harvey, Tom, CAP 3-3-5
Mines, Mike, CAP 3-3-5, 70-71
Roman, Tony, CAP 3-3-5, 68-69
Schuster, Douglas, CAP 3-3-5, 1970
Stanton, Edgar, LCpl, KIA September 16, 1968, CAP 3-5-5, Panel 43W, Line 010
Thompson, Michael H., CAP 3-3-5
Maldonado, Bob, CAP 3-3-5
Wester, Richard, CAP 3-3-5, 1969
CAP 3-3-6, My Lam village, Phu Vang District:
Archer, Bill, CAP 3-3-6, My Lam village, Phu Vang District
Biller, William "Budda", CAP 3-3-6
Dodge, Bob, CAP 3-3-6, 1969
Kent, Warren Paul, CAP 3-3-6, 69-70
Proctor, Gregory CAP 3-3-6
Smith, Dennis Gerald, LCpl, KIA March 10, 1970, CAP 3-3-6, Panel 13W, Line 107
Suzadail, John "Doc", CAP 3-3-6, 1970
White, Joseph CAP 3-3-6
CAP 3-3-8
Adams, James P., CAP 3-3-8, 68-69
CACO 3-4: Tuy Loan
Howard, Johnny Joe, CACO 3-4, 3rd CAG
Lebeau, Morton E. CAP 3-4
Donald T. Rodgers, CACO 3-4, Died 1987
CAC/CAP 3-4:
Clancey, Dennis E., CAC 3-4, 1970
CAP 3-4-1: Ahn Nua Thuong
Daniel, Joseph F., CAP 3-4-1
Gill, Dave CAP 3-4-1
Parrish, Tom., CAP 3-4-1
Ray, Tom., CAP 3-4-1, 1968
Singleton, Al, CAP 3-4-1, 69-70
Soard, Charles, CAP 3/4/1, 1969
Wright, Mike, CAP 3-4-1
CAP 3-4-2: La Chu Village, Thua Thien Province
Armstrong, Terry, CAP 3-4-2
Doyne, William "Doc", CAP 3-4-2, , 69-70
Lafferty, William T., CAP 3-4-2, 68-69
Molchany, Larry, CAP 3-4-2, 69-70
Ray, Tom., CAP 3-4-2
Ryan, Jim, CAP 3-4-2, 68-69
Saumer, Lanny, CAP 1-4-3, 68-69
Saupe, William D., CAP 3-4-2, 1969
CAP 3-4-3:
Doyne, William "Doc", CAP 3-4-3, 69-70
Molchany, Larry, CAP 3-4-3, 69-70
Ray, Tom., CAP 3-4-3, 1968
Reeves, Mike, CAP 3-4-3, 69-70
Soard, Charles, CAP 3/4/3, 1969
CAP 3-4-4:
Baum, Darold W., CAP 3-4-4, 1970
Howard, Johnny, CAP 3-4-4
Martinez, Andreas "Andy", CAP 3-4-4, 1970
CAP 3-4-5:
Coots, Michael G. (Woody), CAP 3-4-5, 1970
Daniel, Joseph F., CAP 3-4-5
Lafferty, William T., CAP 3-4-5, 68-69
Newman, Randy "Doc, CAP 3-4-5
Rhoda, James, CAP 3-4-5
Santry, Tom, CAP 3-4-5, Corpsman, 1968
Sellers, Jim, CAP 3-4-5, 1969
CAP 3-4-6:
Daniel, Joseph F., CAP 3-4-6
CACO 3-5:
Linares, Mario, CAP 3-5, 1970
Parker, Luis, CAP 3-5, 1967
Rivera, Joseph A., CACO 3-5, 68-69
Rivers, Larry W., CACO 3-5, 1970
Schulting, Dave, CAC 3-5-3, 69-70
CAP 3-5-1:
Kenealy, Ed CAP 3-5-1
Kirk, David L., CAP 3-5-1, 69-70
Noonan, David, CAP 3-5-1, 68-70
Saragoza, Ed, CAP 3-5-1
Whitehead, Bob, CAP 3-5-1
CAP 3-5-2, Loc Son District:
Brown, Jerry, CAP 3-5-2, 1970
Lynch, Robert, CAP 3-5-2, 1970
Mann, Rick, CAP 3-5-2, 69-70
Noonan, David", CAP 3-5-2, 68-70
Patterson, Ronald, CAP 3-5-2
Whitt, Dayton B., CAP 3-5-2, 69-70
CAP 3-5-3:
Brown, Jerry, CAP 3-5-3, 1970
DeMarco, Michael, CAP 3-5-3, 69-70
Keiling, Charles, CAP 3-5-3, 1969
Kenealy, Ed, CAP 3-5-3
Kidd, Lloyd Allen, CAP 3-5-3
Rineer, Greg, CAP 3-5-3, 68-69
Schulting, Dave, CAP 3-5-3, 69-70
Stiles, John, CAP 3-5-3, 69-70
Williams, Ronald, CAP 3-5-3
CAP 3-5-4:
Hines, Beecher, CAP 3-5-4, 1970
Macleod, John R., CAP 3-5-4, 68-69
Noonan, David", CAP 3-5-4, 68-70
Witt, Greg, CAP 3-5-4, 68-69
CAP 3-5-5:
Englehorn, Curtis Scott (HM3), CAP 3-5-5, 69-70
Martinez, Andreas "Andy", CAP 3-5-5, 1970
Joseph H. Castro, CAP 3-5-5, 68-69
Parker, Luis, CAP 3-5-5, 1967
Whitehead, Bob CAP 3-5-5
CAP 3-6:
Watkins, Barry, CAC 3-6, 66-68
CACO 3-7
Wiley, Herbert CAP 3-7
CAP 3-7-1:
Kubina, Michael CAP 3-7-1
CACO 3-9:
Wiley, Herbert CAP 3-9
Bazzle, David Wayne, Pfc, KIA March 16, 1969, rth. CAG, Panel 29W - Row 051
Benad, Ken, 4th. CAG HQ, 68-69
Compton, Miles A., 4th. CAG, 1969
Crafton, Clinton Lee, 4th CAG Corpsman, 69-70 (Died: April, 1996)
(Clinton Lee Crafton, Jr. would like to communicate with anyone who knew his father: Lee Crafton, Jr.)
Cubel, Robert, Hdq 4th. CAG, 70
Fletcher, Walt "Gunny", 4th. CAG, 1968
Gibson, Thomas A., 4th CAG HQ, 68-69
Hellums, David, 4th. CAG OPS Chief
Herschler, Frank & "Lobo", 4th. CAG, Dog Handler, 69-70
Hinson, Amos B., CACO 4, 69-70
Kidd, David, 4th. CAG HQ, 68-69
Marciniak, Bill, 4th. CAG HQ., 68-69
Sloan, David, 4th. CAG HQ., 68-69
Richmond, Steve, 4th. CAG
Rogers, Drue, 4th. CAG (Phu Lang/Lavang Trung), 67-69
Young, Ed4th. CAG, 1967
CAP 4-1:
DeFreitas, Walter A., CAP 4-1-HQ, 1969
Hill, Richard Homer, CAP 4-1 HQ, 69-70
CAP 4-1-1: (Possibly AKA Papa 2/4)
Gowen, Ken, CAP 4-1-1
Mcguire, George W., Corpsman, CAP 4-1-1, 69-70
Parker, Kolin, CAP 4-1-1
CAP 4-1-2:
Booth, Thomas, CAP 4-1-2, 69-70
Glasscock, Dale, CAP 4-1-2, 1970
Romo, Bryce "Skip", CAP 4-1-2, 1970
Taylor, Gary, CAP 4-1-2, 1970
CAP 4-1-3:
Anthony, Mike, CAP 4-1-3, 69-70
Mcguire, George W., Corpsman, CAP 4-1-3, 69-70
Nichols, Gary D., CAP 4-1-3, 1970
Romo, Bryce "Skip", CAP 4-1-3, 1970
Taylor, Gary, CAP 4-1-3, 1970
CAP 4-1-4:
Hinrichsen, Glenn C., CAP 4-1-4, 1970
Mcguire, George W., Corpsman, CAP 4-1-4, 69-70
Parker, Keith C., CAP 4-1-4
Reshel, Mark, CAP 4-1-4, 66-69
Romanelli, Louis Vincent, HM1, KIA March 16, 1969, CAP 4-1-4, Panel 29W, Line 055
CAP 4-1-5:
Cree, David C., CAP 4-1-5, Jan-May, 1970
Pigott, Jerry, CAP 4-1-5, 1969
Werley, Samuel Gary, CAP 4-1-5, 1969
Westwood, Tim CAP 4-1-5
CAP 4-1-6:
Braham, R.W.
Burch, R.E.
Carey, Fred, CAP 4-1-6, 68-69
Croft, R.A.
Douglas, George, CAP 4-1-6, 68-69
Fleming, A.N., (Corpsman)
French, J.H.
Gibson, M.F.
Jones, R.M.
Ponikly, George, CAP 4-1-6, 68-69
Rymer, Luther
Seiler, J.M.
CAP 4-1-7:
Gordy, Michael Edward, Sgt. KIA April 18, 1969, CAP 4-1-7 (Panel 27W, Row 108)
CAP 4-1-8:
Connolly, Larry, CAP 4-1-8
Riddell, D. Wayne, CAP 4-1-8, 69
CAP 4-1-9:
Mattison, Steve, CAP 4-1-9, 69
CAP 4-1-10:
Bourquin, Grant, CAP 4-1-10, 1969
DeFreitas, Walter A., CAP 4-1-10, 1969
Gonzales, Milton L., CAP 4-1-10
Ronald M. Hatch, CAP 4-1-10
Kidd, David, CAP 4-1-10, 68-69
Kline, Mike, CAP 4-1-10, 68-69
Legos, Edwin P., CAP 4-1-10, 1969
Mohr, Frank, CAP 4-1-10, 1969
Wooters, Bert "Doc", CAP 4-1-10, 1969
CAP 4-1-12:
Mattison, Steve, CAP 4-1-12, 69
CAP 4-1-15:
Kline, Mike, CAP 4-1-15, 68-69
CAP 4-2-1 (Cam Lo):
Defina, Frank W. CAP 4-2-1
Dickinson, Gary "Duke", CAP 4-2-1, 1970
Hanczar, Frank L., CAP 4-2-1
Kerwin, Harold "Pat", Jr., CAP 4-2-1, 70-71
Michael "Lucky" Murray, CAP 4-2-1, 69-70
Tompkins, Bob, CAP 4-2-1, 69-70
CAP 4-2-2:
Barger David, CAP 4-2-2, 1970
Currie, Dale CAP 4-2-2
Gibson, Archie CAP 4-2-2
Guevara, Joseph Herman "Che", Cap 4-2-2, 69-70
Kortz, Joe, CAP 4-2-2
Martinez, Tony CAP 4-2-2
Neal, Robert Eugene, LCpl, KIA February 16, 1970, CAP 4-2-2 Panel 13W, Row 019
Rapier, Joe CAP 4-2-2
CAP 4-2-3:
Cross, Michael D., CAP 4-2-3Cross, 70-71
McPhie, Paul CAP 4-2-3
Michael "Lucky" Murray, CAP 4-2-3, 69-70
CAP 4-2-4:
DeFreitas, Walter A., CAP 4-2-4, 1969
Giangrosso, Vincent P., Jr., CAP 4-2-4
Schultz, Terry CAP 4-2-4, 1968
CAP 4-2-5:
Casey, Patrick M. CAP 4-2-5
Defina, Frank W. CAP 4-2-5
Gibson, Arhcie, CAP 4-2-5
Knolloff, Sgt. CAP 4-2-5
Novicki, Mike, CAP 4-2-5, 68-69
Richards, Martin "Doc" CAP 4-2-5
Tompkins, Bob, CAP 4-2-5, 69-70
CAP 4-2-6:
Novicki, Mike, CAP 4-2-6, 68-69
CAP 4-2-7:
Novicki, Mike, CAP 4-2-7, 68-69
CAP 4-2-8:
Frake, Rob CAP 4-2-8
Anderson, Byron, CAP 4-2-8, 68-69
Giangrosso, Vincent P., Jr., CAP 4-2-8
Schultz, Terry CAP 4-2-8, 1968
CAP 4-2-15:
Gibson, Arhcie CAP 4-2-15
CAP 4-3-1 (AKA CAC Papa 2/4):
Fairall, William CAP 4-3-1
Hoover, Terry W., CAP 4-3-1, 1969
Kidd, David CAP 4-3-1, 68-69
Muraszewski, Peter, CAP 4-3-1, 69-70
CAP 4-3-2:
Clancey, Dennis, CAP 4-3-2
Comstock, Curtis CAP 4-3-2
Christianson, Wayne "Doc", CAP 4-3-2, 1970
Moore, Rick, CAP 4-3-2, 1970
CAP 4-3-3:
Amodeo, Joe, CAP 4-3-3
Bruce, Jeffrey Sgt. KIA February 10, 1969, CAP 4-3-3 (Panel 32W, Row 003)
Kinsey, John, CAP 4-3-3
Ridley, Robert, CAP 4-3-3, 67-69
CAP 4-3-4:
Burch, Larry M., CAP 4-3-4
Chasteen, Joseph, CAP 4-3-4, 69-70
Fairall, William CAP 4-3-4
Gerth, Bruce A., CAP 4-3-4, 1970
Konopka, Larry CAP 4-3-4, 69-70
Layton, Larry E., CAP 4-3-4, 68-69
Murse, Jr., Albert HM3, CAP 4-3-4 8-69-70
Smith, Warren CAP 4-3-4
CAP 4-3-5:
Fairall, William CAP 4-3-5
Flansburg, Randel CAP 4-3-5
Lowder, Tom CAP 4-3-5
McKenzie, Will, CAP 4-3-5
Walker, Dee CAP 4-3-5
CAP 4-3-6:
Jay, Rocky CAP 4-3-6
Smith, Warren CAP 4-3-6
Sullivan, Larry, CAP 4-3-6, 68-69
CAP 4-3-7:
Fairall, William CAP 4-3-7
Imes, Jimmy CAP 4-3-7
Mims, Donald R., CAP 4-3-7
Walker, Dee, CAP 4-3-7
McKenzie, Will CAP 4-3-7
Quattlebaum, Paul, CAP 4-3-7
Smith, Warren, CAP 4-3-7
CAP 4-3-9:
Hoover, Terry W., CAP 4-3-9, 1969
Sullivan, Larry, CAP 4-3-9, 68-69
Kensill, Kenneth, II, CAP 9, Loc San
Foley, Kevin Charlie CACO
Sylvia, Joe, Charlie CO
Charlie :
Katuzney, Mark J., Charlie
Mazzeo, Edward, Charlie
Charlie 1:
Hiser, Don, CAP Charlie 1, 1967
Fuentes, M. Charlie 1
Larmore, Robert, CAP Charlie 1 , 67-68
Mai, Roger J., CAP Charlie 1
Marceau, Eric, Charlie 1
Rivers, Joe, CAP Charlie 1, 67-68
Vinyard, David, CAP CAP Charlie 1, 67-68
Charlie 2:
Bourne, Roy, Charlie 2
Charlie 3: An My Village
Bickert, Ed
Block, Roger "Doc"
Brady, Mark, Charlie 3, 67-68
Elias, Lee, CAP Charlie 3, 67-68
Marrero, Johnny "Juan", Charlie 3
McKenzie, John, Charlie 3
Oxley, William H., Charlie 3
Thompson, Gary Charlie 3
Charlie 4: (AKA CAP 2-2-4) Tam Hoa Village
Bickert, Ed, Charlie 4 Cummings, Dan, Charlie 4
DeBreau, Steve, Charlie 4
Larmore, Robert, CAP Charlie 4, 67-68
Oxley, William H., Charlie 4
Glenn "Doc" Smith, Charlie 4, 1966
CUPP: Alpha
Berry, John, Alpha CUPP, 1970
CUPP: Alpha 1-7 (AKA CUPP 6)
Boyd, David, CUPP Alpha 1-7
Olive, George M. , Alpha 1/7 CUPP, 69-70
Roybal, Carlos, CUPP Alpha 1/7
Skidmore, Mike "Doc", CUPP Alpha 1/7, 1970
Lane, George E. Jr., CUPP Alpha 1-7, 69-70
CUPP: Charlie
Harris, Will, Charlie CUPP, 70-71
Rumsey, John, Charlie CUPP, 70-71
CUPP: Charlie
Akers, Timothy R., Sr., CUPP Charlie 2, 70-71
CUPP: Golf
Berry, John, Golf CUPP, 1970
Randolph, Gene "Doc", CUPP, Golf 2/5, 70-71
Barber, John, CUPP 1, 70-71
Hirak, Thomas CUPP 3
CUPP 3-1:
Barchers, Ronald "Mike" CUPP 3-1
Semet, Robert F., CUPP M 3-1
Worthen, Joseph, CUPP 3-1, 70-71
CUPP 3-5:
Gresko, Richard CUPP 3-5, Hill 65, Dia Loc Village
Caruso, Lou, CUPP 3-5, 69-70
Worthen, Joseph, CUPP 3-5, 70-71
CUPP 6: (AKA CUPP Alpha 1-7)
Baxendale, William CUPP 6
Sawyer, Ralph A., CUPP Alpha 1-7
Boyd, David, CUPP 6
Neilen, Fred CUPP 7
Becker, Ronald, CUPP 8
Bird, J. Craig, CUPP 8
McBride, Owen, CUPP 8
Bird, J. Craig CUPP 9
McBride, Owen CUPP 9
Hynes, Thomas, CO Delta, 1968
Logwood, Woody, Delta CACO
Sylvia, Joe, Delta CO
Delta 1: Nui Kim Son Village
Arric, Robert Delta 1
Beals, James R. Delta 1
Bobrowsky, Igor, Delta 1 (12/67-7/68)
Book, Floyd Delta 1, 1967
Clemons, Allen Delta 1
Dahlstrand, Tom, Delta 1, 67-68
Eagen, Thomas H., Delta 1, 1966
Forget, Victor M., Delta 1, 67-68
Harbison, Stan, Delta 1
Harvey, Tom, Delta 1
Lawson, Michael, Delta 1, 68-69
Lemak, Dave Delta 1
Logwood, Woody Delta 1
Mills, Neal, CAP Delta 1, 66-68
Moses, Preston, Delta 1, 1966
Moskal, Stephen L., Delta 1
Palmer, Dennis, CAP Delta 1, 67-68
Regnier, Rodger, CAP Delta 1, 1967
Seney, John CAP Delta 1, 68-69
Moskal, Stephen L. Delta 1, 66-67
Terry, Julian, Delta 1
Thompson, Glen, CAP Delta 1, 67-68
Zoutis, Ted Delta 1
Delta 2: An Thrach Village
Book, Floyd, Delta 2, 1967
Chantrey, Orrion D., Delta 2, 1966
Kafka, Joe, Delta 2
Lawson, Michael, CAP Delta 2, 68-69
Moses, Preston, Delta 2, 1966
Sullivan, Edward, 67-68
Thompson, Glen, CAP Delta 2, 67-68
Watkins, Jim, CAP Delta 2, 1968
Zoutis, Ted, Delta 2, 66-68
Delta 3: Tui Loan Village
Ayers, David, Delta 3
Doyle, Bill, CAC Delta 3, 67-68
Dust, Gregory, CAP Delta 3, Oct67-Mar68
Forget, Victor M., Delta 3, 67-68
Harbison, Stan, Delta 3
Masterson, Barry J., Delta 3, 1968
Nettleton, John P., Delta 3
Regnier, Rodger, Delta 3, 1967
Resendez, Ralph R., CAP Delta 3, 1968
Stevison, James Darrell, Delta 3, 1968
Wilson, Danny J., CAP Delta 3, 67-68
Yates, Joseph, Delta 3
Zoutis, Ted, Delta 3
Delta 4:
Bertulli, Alfred Leon, LCpl, Non-Hostile, November 5, 1967, Delta 4, Panel 29E, Line 025
Britton, William N., Cpl, KIA March 7, 1968, CAP Delta 4 (Panel 43E, Row 041)
Bryant, David T., LCpl, KIA September 10, 1967, CAP Delta 4, Panel 26E, Row 044
Clay, James Henry, Cpl, KIA January 3, 1968, Delta 4, Panel 33E, Line 026
Clemons, Allen, Delta 4
DeBarr, Gary, Delta 4, 1967
Hammond, Greg, Delta 4
Howard, George W., Corpsman, Delta 4
Note: this e-mail goes to Leigh Bratcher. He will forward it to George Howard
Lawson, Michael, Delta 4, 68-69
Markley, Stephen, Delta 4, 67-68
McClain, Charles H., Delta 4, 1967-68
Nettleton, John P., Delta 4
Pritchard, Donald Ray, Sgt, KIA September 10, 1967, CAP Delta 4, Panel 26E, Line 050 NOTE: Donald Pritchard's brother would like to correspond with anyone who knew his brother: Thomas McAfee
Yurick, Rick, Delta 4, 68-69
Delta 5:
Ayers, David, Delta 5
Brown, Sgt, Delta 5, 1967
Clay, James Henry, Cpl., KIA January 3, 1968, CAP Hotel 6, Panel 33E, Line 026
Copeland, Jim, Delta 5, 67-68
Mina, Juan Velasko, Jr, LCpl, March 18, 1967, Panel 16E, Row 106
Nowak, David, CAP Delta 5, 1967
Pate, Alfred, Delta 5, 1967
Phyfer, Cpl, Delta 5, 1967
Alexander S. Ramsay, Delta 5, 67-68
Ramsey, Chuck, Delta 5, 67-68
Salgado, Felix, Jr., Delta 5
Tuttle, Benedict (Capt), Delta 5
Vilhauer, Norman, Delta 5
Webb, Donald Franklin, Sgt, KIA January 3, 1968, CAP Hotel 6, Panel 33E, Line 033
Wilson, John William, Jr, Cpl, KIA, November 8, 1968, CAP Hotel 6, Panel 29E, Line 055
Wright, Gary, Delta 5
Delta 6:
Evins, Gary, Delta 6, 1967
Hoy, Stanley, Delta 6, 1967
Hutchinson, Greg, Delta 6, 1967
Morris, James Pat, Delta 6, 1967
Ramsey, Chuck, Delta 6, 67-68
Reynolds, Scott, Delta 6
Zoutis, Ted, Delta 6, 66-68
Delta 7:
Lawson, William A. Jr., Delta 7, Apr-Oct, 67
Moskal, Stephen L., Delta 7, 66-67
Regnier, Rodger, Delta 7, 1967
Graham, Ron, Echo
Shackelford, Richard, Echo
Echo 1:
Burgfos, Sydney "Ziggy", CAP Echo 1, 1967
Mai, Roger J., Echo 1, 1967
Mazzeo, Edward, Echo 1
Mutz, Erle, Echo 1, 67-68
Warren, Charles, Echo 1
Echo 2:
Chapman, Wayne, CAP Echo 2, 67-68
Goff, Ron, Echo 2, 1967
Iaboni, Richard, Echo 2, 1968
Krogh, Dave, Echo 2
Large, John B. Echo 2
Little, Russ, Echo 2
Mai, Roger J., Echo 2, 1967
McKinney, Michael L., Echo 2
McKnight, Terry, Echo 2, 1968
Mullins, Mike, Echo 2, 66-67
Readinger, Mike "Tiny", Echo 2, 1967-68
Schaedel, Ron, Echo 2
Scott, Carl, Echo 2, 67-68
Smith, Gary L., Echo 2
Tolrud, Neil, Echo 2
Echo 2-7:
Epley, Gary, Echo 2-7, 70-71
Echo 3: (AKA CAP 2-5-3)
Baudreau, Bill, Echo 3, 1967
DeCicco, Alex, CAP Echo 3, 67-68
Deichelbor, Rick, Echo 3, 67-68
Ditzler, James, CAP Echo 3, 66-67
Jenkins, Billy, Echo 3
Johnson, Robert, Echo 3
Patrikios, Robert, Echo 3
Sosa, Carlos M., CAP Echo 3, 67-68
Stahlbock, Dennis, Echo 3, 68-69
Echo 4:
Basso, Michele Sgt., KIA, February 8, 1968, Echo 4 Reaction Force
Corcoran, William R., Cpl, KIA August 17, 1968, CAP Echo 4, Panel 11E, Line 081
Cossey, B. Keith, Echo 4
Cruz, Pete F. Cpl., KIA, February 8, 1968, Echo 4 Reaction Force
Graham, Ron, Echo 4
Mutz, Erle, Echo 4, 67-68
Sawyer, Clyde H., Echo 4
Foley, Kevin, Foxtrot CACO
Stahlbock, Dennis, Echo 4, 68-69
Echo 7:
Stahlbock, Dennis, Echo 7, 68-69
Foxtrot 1:
Colletti, Peter Foxtrot 1
Shackelford, Richard, Foxtrot 1
Foxtrot 2:
Cossey, B. Keith, Foxtrot 2
Foxtrot 4:
Clark, Jasper, Foxtrot 4
Parker, Kiely, Foxtrot 4, 1967
Zeigler, Robert, Foxtrot 4, 67-68
Foxtrot 5:
Alicea, Luis Foxtrot 5
Baudreau, Bill, Foxtrot 5, 1967
Lear, Russell, Foxtrot 5, 65-66
Foxtrot 6:
Adams, James, Foxtrot 6
Foxtrot 7:
Carr, Ray, CAC Foxtrot 7, 66-67
Gerard, Greg, Foxtrot 7, 1967
Gormley, Bill, Foxtrot 7, 66-67
Leibold, James, Foxtrot 7
Beukema, Don, Golf CO
Graham, Ron, Golf
Waldrop, Jeffrey, Golf (Monkey Mountain)
Golf 1:
Larmore, Robert, CAP Golf 1, 67-68
Golf 2:
Copeland, Jim, Golf 2, 66-68
Decker, Ronald, Golf 2
McBride, Owen, Golf 2
Mills, Neal, Golf 2, 66-68
Golf 3:
Copeland, Jim, Golf 3, 67-68
Graham, Ron, Golf 3
Jennings, Joe, Golf 3, 66
Golf 4:
Cossey, B. Keith, Golf 4
Larmore, Robert
Padilla, Omar, Golf 4, 67-68
Golf 5: (AKA CAP 2-7-5)
David Berdahl, Golf 5, 1967
Bunch, John H., Golf 5
Comerfofd, Phill H., Golf 5
Decker, Ronald Golf 5
Graham, Ron, Golf 5
Harvey, Tom, Golf 5
Hiers, Joe, Golf 5
Hoppe, Terry "Doc", Golf 5, 1967
Jennings, Joe, Golf 5, 66
McBride, Owen, Golf 5
Mills, Neal, Golf 5, 66-68
Petty, Jim, Golf 5
Sharp, Charles R., Golf 5
Stephens, Wiley A., Golf 5
Golf 6:
David Berdahl, Golf 6, 1967
Dahlstrand, Tom, Golf 6, 67-68
Graham, Ron, Golf 6
Bogan, Richard A., Unknown Hotel, 3rd. CAG, 1968
Payne, Ric, Unknown Hotel, 1968
Hotel 1: (AKA Alpha 3 & CAC 4) Loc Bon Village
NOTE: CAC 4, Alpha 3, and Hotel 1 have been more than a little confusing to me since I started the Web Site. All three designations are for the same unit contingent on the date. At the suggestion of Pete Nardie, I have combined all three rosters into one....with the designation given by each individual for his time frame. Still confusing....but not as much.
Brahm, Donald Pete, Alpha 3
Boggs, Greb, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Calderwood, Bob, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Carter, Jimmy, Alpha 3
Church, Dave, Alpha 3, 65-66
Coughlin, Kevin, Hotel 1, 67-68
Greer, John, Alpha 3, 1966
Dennis Gump, CAC4/Alpha 3, 65-66
Eide, Kerry CAC 4/Alpha 3 (Died, 2004)
Hendricks, Russ, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Jones, Casey, CAP Alpha 3, 1967
Kaminskis, Talis Hotel 1
LeBeau, Merton, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 65-66
Letson, Michael P., CAC 4/Alpha 3
Lux, Urban "Skip", CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1966
Marshall, David E., CAC Alpha 3, 1968
(Note: this e-mail address is to Dave's son, Tim Marshall)
Matricardi, Ed, Alpha 3
Mounts, Larcombe "Chip", Alpha 3, 66-67
Nardie, Pete, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Gonzales, Aurelio "speedy", Jr., Alpha 3, 1966
Phillips, David, Hotel 1, 67-68
Sawyer, John R., CAC-4/Alpha 3, Jan-Sep, 1966
Schatzer, Lowell Hotel 1
Schmaus, Leroy D., Hotel 1, 66-67
Schrader, Bill, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Scott, Don, Alpha 3, 65-66
Shipp, Jim, Alpha 3, 67-68
Smith, E.F., Alpha 3, 1967
Smith, Roosevelt, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
St. Germain, Jim, Alpha 3, 66-67
Standard, James R., Hotel 1, 67-68
Taylor, Freeman Alpha 3
Trina, Jay, Hotel 1, 1968
Vasquez, Ray, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Walker, Eddie, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Ward, Clay, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
White, Ralph, CAP Hotel 1, 1968
Williams, Larry, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 1967
Wilson, C. "Tom", CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Wilson, D.F. "Don", CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Wilson, Jonathon, CAC 4/Alpha 3, 66-67
Hotel 2: (AKA CAC 8)
Books, Jay K. LCpl, KIA November 16, 1966, CAC Hotel 1
Ellison, Jim, Hotel 2 (CAC 8), 66-67
Good, David, Hotel 2, 67
Jenness, Jerry "Doc", Hotel 2, Corpsman
Migliorino, Charles, Hotel 2, 1968
Nicholls, Ed, Hotel 2-3
Truesdell, Duane, Hotel 2, Corpsman, 66-67
White, Ron, Hotel 2
Wilson, Roger Lee, Cpl., KIA January 20, 1968, CAP Hotel 1, Panel 35E, Line 001
Hotel 2-3:
Brown, Mike, Hotel 2, 67-68
Gray, Robert L., Hotel 2-3, 67-68
Nicholls, Ed, Hotel 2-3
Hotel 3:
Balanco, John J., Hotel 3
Curtis, William C., Hotel 3, 1967
Fallo, Bob, Hotel 3, 1967
Hardin, Rod "Doc", Hotel 3, 1967
Nicholls, Ed, Hotel 3
Pinkley, Gary Hotel 3, 1968
Proby, B. J., Hotel 3, 66-67
Riley, Ken "Buzz" , SU #4, Hdq. CO, Hq. Bn., CAC 10 (Hotel 3)
Sallis, Michael, Hotel 3, 1968
Smith, Herbert, Hotel 3, 1968
Toliver, Billy Ray, Hotel 3, 1967
Hotel 4: Thon Bach Thach
Geanangel, Ivan Frank, Hotel 4, 67-68
Meadows, Tim, Hotel 4, 66-67
Nardie, Pete, CAC-4/Hotel 4
Dellarso, Eugene, Jr., Hotel 4, 67-68
Gray, Robert L., Hotel 4, 67-68
Payne, Richard, Hotel 4
Sherman, Melvin, Hotel 4
Hotel 5: Phu Loc District
Ferguson, Robert P. III, Hotel 5
Griffin, John, Hotel 5
Griffin, Kenneth, Hotel 5
Lee, Steve, Hotel 5, , 68-69
McMahon, Charlie, Hotel 5
Migliorino, Charles, Hotel 5,
1968 Twitchell, Roger, Hotel 5, 66-67
White, Ron Hotel 5
Hotel 6: Nuoc Ngot, Phu Loc District, Thua Thien Province
Calhoun, John C., LCpl., KIA January 7, 1968, CAP Hotel 6, Panel 33e, Line 068
Crawford, Richard Hotel 6
Crawford, Tom, Hotel 6, 67-68
Dorris, Claude H., SSgt., KIA January 7, 1968, CAP Hotel 6, Panel 33E, Line 066
Duguid, Jim, Hotel 6, 1967
Feldstien, Ed Hotel 6
Ferguson, Robert P. III Hotel 6
Haywood, Tom Hotel 6
Killian, Don Hotel 6
Koby, Jim Hotel 6
Krusewski, Tom Hotel 6
Lopez, Frank Hotel 6
McClendon, Mack, Hotel 6, 1967
McMahon, Charlie, Hotel 6
Norconk, Tom Hotel 6
Nycum, Jim, Hotel 6
Payne, Richard Hotel 6
Pierret, Wayne, Hotel 6, 1966
Rodriguez, John, Hotel 6, 1967, died February 24, 2003
Rusher, Robert Charles, Cpl., KIA January 7, 1968, CAP Hotel 6, Panel 33E, Line 074
Russell, Charlie Hotel 6
Stines, Gary, CAP Hotel 6, 66-67
Tolbert, Frank, Hotel 6
Willhite, Arliss, Hotel 6
Hotel 7: Thua Tua
Betts, Charlie, CAC Hotel 7, 1967, Died October 11, 1989
Connell, John Hotel 7, Corpsman
Coronado, Cesar, Hotel 7
Crockett, Robert E. Hotel 7, WIA July 27, 1967
Curto, Wayne, Hotel 7, 1968
Davis, Ron, Hotel 7, 66-67
Emmons, Ronald K. Hotel 7
England, Charles W. Hotel 7
Fritz, David, Hotel 7, 1967
Harrison, Grey, Sr. Hotel 7
Harrison, Richard C. Hotel 7
Hartman, Daryl, Hotel 7, 1967
Hester, James, Hotel 7, 69-70
Kinane, Jim Hotel 7
Marty, Roger, Hotel 7, 1967
McDaniel, Michael, Hotel 7, 68-69
Nelson, Steven D., Hotel 7, 67-68
Nest, Ed, Hotel 7, 67-68
Olsen, Ed, Hotel 7, 1967
Orlowski, Michael A. , CAP Hotel 7, 1968
Payne, Richard Hotel 7
Pinkley, Gary, Hotel 7, 1968
Points, Chuck "Doc", Alpha 2, Hotel 7, 67-68
Rhodes, Chester A., Hotel 7, 67-68
Roha, Michael R., Hotel 7, 67-68
Ryan, Ed, Hotel 7, 67-68
Saulque, David L., Hotel 7, 1967
Thomas, Edward A., Hotel 6, 67-68
Wright, Robbie Hotel 7
Whitpan, Lee, Hotel 7, 67-68
Wyatt, Bill, CAC 7, 66-67
Hotel 8:
Brown, Charles E., Hotel 8, 66-67
Christensen, Paul K., Hotel 8, 67-68
Curto, Wayne, Hotel 8, 1968
Fallo, Bob, Hotel 8, 1967
Fox, Cottrell, Hotel 8
Grunder, Bill, Hotel 8
Mosher, Tom, Hotel 8
Sallis, Michael, Hotel 8, 1968
Tyrrell, Joe, CAP Hotel 8, 67-68
Hotel 9:
Kerker, Terry, Hotel 9, 67-68
Hotel 10:
Cone, Mike, Hotel 10, 1968
Friend, Ron, Hotel 10, 1967
Laidella, Larry, HOtel 10, 67-68
Lee, Steve, Hotel 10, 68-69
O'Neill, Michael James, Pfc, KIA August 18, 1968, CAP Hotel 10, Panel 48W, Line 046
Ryan, Ed, Hotel 10, Lang Co Village., 68-'69
Steven J. Radford, India, 1st. CAG, 1968
India 1, Tam Ky:
Apple, Charles India 1, 67-68
Johnston, Ted, India 1, 67-68
Myers, James, Inda 1, 66-67
India 2:
Apple, Charles "Bud", India 2, 67-68
India 3:
Gibbs, Jack O. India 3
Gillespie, John, India 3 (Jan-Feb, 68)
India 5:
Johnson, Paul India 5, 67-68
Baker, Mike, CAP Kilo, 67-69
I was doing some Google searching this morning and came across your website. It is with great sorrow that I pass along news that Earl G. Darlington, who is on your email roster, passed away this morning (May 1, 2008) in Texas.
Davis, Venson C., Kilo, S-2, 69-70
Kilo 1
Angus, G. Peter, Kilo 1
Eastridge, Carl, CAP Kilo 1 (?), 67-68
Leger, Carroll, Kilo 1 (AKA CAP 1-2-1), 67-69
Peelo, David Kilo 1
Kilo 1-Kilo 1-4: 1st. CAG, Quang Tin Province, Ky Khuong Village (AKA Camp Swann)
Cravey, Jim, Kilo 1-4
Darlington, Earl (Major), Kilo 1-4
Eastridge, Carl, CAP Kilo (?), 67-68>
Jessen-Klixbull, Ole, Kilo 1-4
Lamar, Lawrence, Kilo 1-4
Swann, Howard Ernest, Sgt, KIA June 9, 1967, CAP Kilo 1-4, Panel 21E, Line 081
Kilo 2:
Gagas, Jerry, Kilo 2, 68-69
Kilo 3:
Nicholls, Ed, Kilo 3
Osborne, Robert E., Kilo 3, 1967
Riddle, William, Kilo 3, June 67-July 68
Waters, Robert, Kilo 3
Vieira, Tony, Kilo 3
Kilo 3-3:
Nicholls, Ed, Kilo 3-3
Kilo 4:
Vieira, Tony, Kilo 4
Kilo 5:
Angus, G. Peter, Kilo 5
Fullum, George E., Kilo 5, 1968
Walker, Ramsey, Kilo 5
Brauner, John S., Ky Hoa Island, 66-67
Sherman, David, Ky Hoa Island, 1966
Lima 1: Binh Nighia (AKA Fort Page)
Bevan, Bill, Lima 1
Brannon, Philip A. LCPL, KIA at Fort Page, September 15, 1966, Panel 10E, Line 096
Bob Dodelin, Lima 1, 65-66
McGowan, Vincent, Lima 1, Fort Page
Thielepape, Robert, Lima 1
West, Francis "Bing", Fort Page, Lima 1
Lima 1-3-4
Kent, Larry, CAP Lima 1-3-4, Aug 68 - Feb 69
Lima 2
Breagy, RichardCAP Lima 2
Hofstetter, Richard, CAP Lima 2, 1968
Lima 3
Budnama, J., Lima 3
Jim Hays, Lima 3, 1968
Hayes, A.M., Lima 3
Hays, J.M., Lima 3
House, R.L., Lima 3
Marshall, R.G., Lima 3
May, Dave, Lima 3
Miller, R.L., Lima 3
Nordrum, T.F., Lima 3
Peck, Bill, Lima 3, 1966
Sinnot, Edmond, Lima 3
Sprouse, P.J., Lima 3
Stephens, L.A., Lima 3
Swartwood, R.W., Lima 3
Ward, Paul, Lima 3, 66, 67, 68
Watson, V.P., Lima 3
Lima 4 (AKA Doody Hil/CAP 1-3-4)
Bryant, Michael P., Lima 4, 67-68
Hardwick, Tommy, Pfc, KIA, Lima 3, May 23, 1968, Panel 66E, Line 010
Tommy Hardwick, KIA May 23, 1968
Henderson, John, Lima 4, 66-67
Hardwick, Tommy, Pfc, KIA May 23, 1968, Lima 3, 1968, Panel 66E Line 010 A Hilliker, Orville B. Lima 4, 66-67
Kent, Larry, CAP Lima 3, 68-69
Keown, Gary S., Lima 4, 66-67
Reilly, Kim, Lima 4
Risa, Joe, Lima 4, 66-67
Rodriguez, George F., Lima 4, 66-67
Slade, Ben F., Lima 4, 66-67
Sterle, Michael, Lima 4, 67-68
Warner, Robert D., Lima 4, 66-67
Webster, David, CAC L-4 (Doody Hill), 66-67
Winters, Dennis, Lima 4, 67-68
Lima 5: Phuoc Thien
Date of action: 26 March 1967 - the following were KIA from CAC Lima-5, Phuoc Thuan - formerly carried on the Bravo Co., 1st Bn, 7th Marines roster - transferred to SUB UNIT #2 - HQ Co. HQ Bn, 1st Marine Division (Task Force X-Ray Chu Lai). As you well know all Combined Action Marines were listed on roster of their "parent unit" rosters until early 1967 when all were dropped and listed on the HQ Bn roster.
KIA on Easter Sunday:
BATSON, James Charles. Pfc., KIA Lima 5, Panel 17E, Line 048
BRINKLEY, Robert Thomas, LCpl, KIA Lima 5, Panel 17E, Line 049
BURLEY, Clarence John, Pfc, KIA Lima 5, Panel 17E, Line 049
ESTRADA, David, LCpl, KIA Lima 5, Panel 17E, Line 051
PRICE, Barry Francis, LCpl, KIA Lima 5, Panel 17E, Line 054
SETTER, James Adrian, LCpl, KIA Lima 5, Panel 17E, Line 054
SHAUVER, Terry Dean, LCpl, KIA Lima 5, Panel 17E, Line 054
WESTLY, Cyril Jeffery, HN, KIA Lima 5, Panel 17E, Line 055
WHITE, Charles Henry, Pfc, KIA Lima 5, Panel 17E, Line 053
The following Marine was still listed on the Bravo Co. 1/7 roster (he had been recently transferred to the CAC L-5 unit):
- SETTER, James Adrian, LCpl, Panel 17E, Line 054
Lima 6 (AKA Lima 11 {66 to Aug 67} Lima 6 (Aug 67-Early 68}, CAP 1-3-6 {68 To Close}): Ap Phu Le
I think I need to try again to explain about the unit designation from the beginning.
When the 2nd. Bn, 7th. Marines started its Civic Action Program in 1965 or 1966, they had two:
In March 67 they were redesignated Combined Action Company Lima 1-1 and Lima 1-3. They stayed like that until August 15, 1967, at which time they became CAPs:
- Lima 1-1 was Lima 6
- Lima 1-3 became Lima 7.
In 1968 they changed again:
- Lima 6 TO CAP 1-3-6
- Lima 7 TO CAP 1-3-7
And that's the numerical history of 2/7's first Civic Action Programs transformed into two great little units.
Gary S.Wavrecan
CAC to CAP Feb66 TO Nov67
Lima 6 (AKA CAP 1-3-6):
Cox, Roger D., CAP Lima 6
Harvey, Oscar, CAP Lima 6
Heath, Charles, CAP Lima 6, 1967
Lazootin, John, 66-67
Malchow, Gunther, Lima 6
Martinez, Oscar, CAP Lima 6
Mc Aughan, Charles, CAP Lima 6, 1967
Stephen "Doc" O'Brien, CAP Lima 6 (CAP 1-3-6) died June 16, 2006
Prohaska, Robert R., CAP Lima 6
Singleton, John, Jr., CAP Lima 6
Watkins, Barry, Lima 6, 66-68
Wavrecan, Gary "Snake, Lima 6, 1967
Wenimoer, Andrew E., CAP Lima 6
Wilkins, Leroy, CAP Lima 6, 1967
Lima 7:
Dudek, Michael R., CAP Lima 7 1st CACO, 67-68
Vieira, Tony Lima 7
Lima 8 (AKA CAP 1-3-8):
Malchow, Gunther, Lima 8
White, John Edward, Pfc, KIA March 20, 1968, CAP 1-2-2, Panel 45E - Row 044
Lima 11 (AKA Lima 11 {66 to Aug 67} Lima 6 (Aug 67-Early 68}, CAP 1-3-6 {68 To Close}):
Lazootin, John, CAP Lima 11, 66-67
Cote, Gary MTT
Pagliarulo, Charles, 2nd CAG MTT, 68-69
1st. CAG, MTT 1:
Bedford, Walt, MTT 1, 67-68
Bills, Dusty, MTT#1, 68-69
Bobrowsky, Igor, MTT 1
Blake, John D., MTT 1
Koby, Jim, MTT 1
1st. CAG, MTT 1-1:
Buchan, Daniel, MTT 1
1st. CAG, MTT 1-2:
Fenstermacher, Terry, MTT 1-2
1st. CAG, MTT 1-1-5:
Buchanan, Daniel, MTT 1-1-5
1st. CAG, MTT 1-1-7:
Buchanan, Daniel MTT 1-1-7
Michael, Jerry, MTT 1-1-7
1st. CAG, MTT 2:
Breagy, Richard, MTT 2, 1968
Conley, Theodore R., Jr, LCpl, KIA November 29, 1968, 1st. CAG MTT-2, Panel 37W, Line 008
2nd. CAG, MTT 2:
Avila, Rafiel, Cpl., KIA August 2, 1968, CAP MTT-2, Panel 50W, Line 047
Berryhill, Henry T., MTT 2
Bieghler, Marvin, MTT 2
Boudreaux, Lane "Frenchie", MTT 2
Buerkle, David, MTT 2, Binh Son
Carpenter, David L, MTT 2
Cavins, Samuel McArthur, Cpl., KIA September 30, 1968, MTT 2, Panel 42W, Line 045 (Sam's son would like to hear from anyone who knew his father. You can contact him through Carroll Leger @: Carroll Leger)
Cook, John K., MTT 2
Cooper, Steven W., MTT 2
Cote, Gary, MTT 2 Hurst, Mike MTT 2
Crane, David Chauncey, LCpl., KIA August 2, 1968, MTT2, Panel 50W, Line 048
Cue, William Charles, Sgt.., KIA August 2, 1968, CAP MTT-2, Panel 50W, Line 049
Cuevas, Oscar, Cpl., KIA, June 13, 1968, 2nd. CAG MTT, Panel 57W, Line 007
Curry, Jullian, MTT 2, 1969
Dumas, Daniel G., 1st. CAG, MTT-2, 67-68
Leger, Carroll, MTT-2, 67-69
Molyneaux, Barry, MTT 2
O'Connor, Steve MTT 2
Oxley, William H., MTT 2, Nui Kin Son
Pagliarulo, Charles, MTT 2
Polich, Jim, MTT 2
Shriber, John, MTT 2
Sipes, Chris, 2nd. CAG, MTT2, 1969
3rd. CAG, MTT:
Bear, Larry, 3rd. CAG MTT, 68-69
Yarbrough, Robert, 3rd CAG MTT, Sep-Jun 1969
4th. CAG, MTT 1:
Bobrowsky, Igor, 4th. CAG, MTT-1 (7/68-11/68)
Cavanough, Clark, 4th. CAG, MTT-1
Colli, Tom, 4th. CAG, MTT-1
Garrou, "Doc", 4th. CAG, MTT-1
Isaacs, Sgt. "Ike", 4th. CAG, MTT-1
Johnson, A. Ted "Pigman", 4th. CAG, MTT-1
Johnson, Terry, MTT 1-1, 69-70
Loutimer, Smitty, 4th. CAG, MTT-1
Marciniak, Tom "Crazy Tom", 4th. CAG, MTT-1
Olds, Carl, 4th. CAG, MTT-1, 68-69
Suarez, "Fate", 4th. CAG, MTT-1
West, Rob "The Kid", 4th. CAG, MTT-1
Willoughby, Floyd, 4th. CAG, MTT-1
November 1: An Hoa Village
Wright, Gary, November 1
November 2:
Abbott, Dan", November 2, 67-69
Graves, William, CAP November 2, 1968
Jennings, Joe, November 2, 67
Jolley, G. "Butch" III, November 2
November 3: Between Phu Da 1 and Phu Da 2
Abbott, Dan, November 3, 67-69
DeLorm, Richard R., November 3
Glenn, John W., November 3
Graves, William, CAP November 3, 1968
Hockenberry, Robert, November 3, 1967
Jennings, Joe, November 3, 67
Jolley, G. "Butch" III, November 3
Kreader, Ken, November 3
Eric Marceau, November 3, 67-68
Medina, Thomas, November 3
Stranahan, Mike "Skipper", November 3, Died 23Oct2001.
Thompson, Glen, CAP November 3, 67-68
November 10
Coon, John, CAP November 10, 67-68
Allen, J.R.
MacDonald, Nolan
NOTE: it is sometimes difficult to fit specific items into the appropriate locations on the CAP Web Site. One such item came from F.J. Taylor regarding the Oscar CAPs. Since it is valuable information, and represents a ton of work on his part, I've opted to simply list it as I received it from him.
Latest update - more to come. Sources include written records and information given by men known to have been in Oscar at the times shown. These include pre-Siege, Ville fight, and Siege personnel. (BTW, I am listing radio relay personnel with ours, as they were TAD for the duration of their tour, and in the ville with us, thus
sharing our risks. They are noted as such.)
This list is the most complete I have been able to gather to date (upwards of 80 men) and we are now aware of the locations of 22 men (or their survivors). I also have more complete bios and info I plan to post at a later date, but need to get this squared away first.
Albers, Craig William CPL, Pre-Siege, O-3
(Deceased) |
Andrews, (?), Pre-Siege O-3 |
Balanco, John J. SGT, Ville fight, Siege NCOIC, O-1 |
Batchman, Franklin LCPL, Ville fight, Siege O-2 |
Biddle, PFC, Ville fight, Siege O-2 |
Bosworth, Larry SGT Pre-Siege, NCOIC, O-3 |
Boyda, Robert J. SSGT Ville fight, Siege - Co. GYSGT - Oscar HQ |
Breedlove, William A. LCPL Ville fight, Siege O-1 |
Brooks Larry LCPL
Pre-Siege, Siege O-3 |
Brown, Bruce A. CPL
Siege O-3 |
Corcoran, Thomas CPL
Siege O-3 |
Cunningham, William L., PFC
KIA March 1, 1968, Oscar CAP, Panel 42E, Line 014 |
Dahler, Richard E. LCPL
Ville fight, Siege O-1 |
Daly, Carroll �Chip�
O-1, 2 |
Dilley, Stanley J. LCPL
Ville fight, Siege O-1 |
Eldridge Douglas
O-1 |
Elmore, Ernest 1stLT
Pre-Siege, CO, Oscar HQ |
Faidley (Farley - ?), Dale W. HN
Pre-/Ville fight/Siege, Hospital Corpsman, O-3 |
French, Jerry L. ("Frenchy") LCPL
Pre-Siege/Ville fight/Siege O-2 |
Funk, Robert SGT
Pre-Siege, 1967 O-1 |
Gray, Raymond M. CPL
2/67 - 9/67 - �plank crew� O-1
(Deceased) |
Green, Steve
2/67 - ?/68 - �plank crew� O-2 |
Groman John F. CPL
O-1 |
Guillory Huey
Pre-Siege O-1 |
Gullickson, Donald ("Gully") LCPL
Pre-Siege, Ville fight, Siege O-2 |
Haines, Peter D. CAPT
Pre-Siege, CO, Oscar HQ |
Hall, Robert A. CPL
Pre-Siege, (TAD - radio relay). |
Harding, Lawrence ("Jinx" ?) CPL
Pre-Siege, Ville fight, Siege O-2 |
Harkrider, Fred
Pre-Siege |
Harper, Ronald L. CPL
Pre-Siege, Ville fight, Siege O-2
Engineer (?) |
Harper, Roy R. SGT
Pre-Siege, Ville fight, Siege NCOIC O-2
Plymouth, MI (?) |
Iodice, Frank C. SGT
Pre-Siege, Siege O-3 |
Kaminskis, Talis CPL
Pre-Siege, Siege O-3 |
Keegan Gary
O- 1 (?) |
Kelley, Daniel R. CPL
Pre-/Ville fight/Siege - Interpreter O-2, 3 |
Lahren, Lacey W. LCPL
Ville fight/Siege O-3 |
Libansky, Donald
Livingston, Billy Dale LCPL
Siege, O-1
KIA, Feb. 26, 1968 |
Longaway, Russell B.
Pre-Siege, (TAD, radio relay) |
Loschelder, John ("Lou") CPL
Ville fight/Siege O-1 Pittsburgh, PA |
Lynch, Charles Aaron LCPL
Pre-Siege, O-1 KIA 27 June 1967 |
Maranda, Armand J. SGT
Ville fight/Siege O-3 |
Matonis, Dana LCPL
Pre-/Ville fight/Siege O-2 |
Mazariegos, Francisco Alberto LCPL
O-3 KIA 27 June 1967 |
Mc Kinnis, Howard C. LCPL
Ville fight/Siege, O-1 |
Mosely or Moseby (?) "home-made weights, biggest guy, nicknamed Moose." (per Steve Green) |
O'Connor, Dennis Alfred CPL
Pre-Siege, O-3 KIA 27 June 1967 |
O�Dell, Robert L. SSGT
Pre-Siege Co. GYSGT, Oscar HQ |
Payne Johnny |
Potter, Albert Joseph CPL
Pre-/Ville fight/Siege O-2, 3 |
Powell, Donald W. PFC
Pre-/Ville fight/Siege O-1 |
Quinn James (?) |
Ramos, Jose LCPL
Ville fight/Siege O-1 |
Reyes, Ulysses LCPL
Ville fight/Siege O-1 |
Robbins, Don, LCpl., CAP Oscar, 67-68 |
Roberts, John R. HN
Pre-/Ville fight/Siege, Hospital Corpsman, O-2 |
Roberts, Dave LCPL
O-3 |
Russell, Verner R. CPL
Pre-/Ville fight/Siege O-1 |
Sanford, Daniel L. LCPL
2198081 - 1121 (Plumbing and water supply) |
Sargent, George B. ("Doc") LCPL
Pre-/Ville fight/Siege O-2 |
Sermeus, William 1stLT
Pre-Siege, CO, Oscar HQ
(Deceased) |
Sexson, Michael LCPL
Pre-siege/Siege, O-1 |
Shepard, Jr., James Merrill CPL
Pre-Siege, O-3
KIA 27 June 1967 |
Silver, Jim
Pre-Siege, |
Spellman, (?) SGT
Pre-Siege, |
Stamper, Thomas B. 1stLT
Ville fight / Siege CO, Oscar HQ
Still, Clarence E. ("Butch") LCPL
Ville fight/Siege |
Sullivan, Al Terry CPL
Pre-/Ville fight/Siege, O-2 |
Taylor, Chris
Pre-Siege, O-2 |
Taylor, Freeman J. LCPL
Pre-Siege / Siege O-2 |
Tyson, Jimmy LCPL
Pre-Siege / Ville fight / Siege O-2 |
Vachlin, George A. (E.?) LCPL
Siege O-1 |
Valdes, Enrique ("Rick") LCPL
Pre-Siege O-2 |
Vera, Antonio LCPL
Ville fight/Siege O-1 |
Walker, Kenneth C. ("Tex" ?) CPL
Ville fight / Siege O-3 |
White, James CPL O-3 |
Whiting, Louis C. LCPL
Ville fight / Siege, O-1 |
Will, Gregory J. LCPL |
Woolverton, Larry
Pre-Siege / Ville fight |
Zipler, James CPL
9/67 - 1/68
(Later in Alpha) |
Zudor, Joseph (Sp. ?) LCPL
Pre-Siege / Ville fight / Siege, O-2 |
French, Jerry, Oscar CAP, 1968
Gray, Raymond Died 10Mar2005, Oscar (Khe Sanh), 1967
Lahren, Lacey, Oscar, 1968
Robbins, Don, Oscar
Zipler, James, Oscar (Khe Sanh)
Oscar 1:
Balanco, John T., Oscar 1
Boyda, Robert, Oscar 1 HQ
Corcoran, Tom, Oscar 1
Daly, Carroll E. "Chip", Oscar 1, 1967
Douglas, Eldridge, Oscar 1
Kaminskis, Talis, Oscar 1
Keegan, Gary, CAC Oscar 1, 67-68
Zipler, James, Oscar 1
Oscar 2:
Daly, Carroll E. "Chip", Oscar 2, 1967
Kelley, Don, Oscar 2
Taylor, Freeman "Jim", Oscar 2, 67-68
Oscar 3: Ta Cong Village, Quang Tri Province
Corcoran, Tom, Oscar 3
Daly, Carroll E. "Chip", CAP Oscar 3, 1967
Groman, John, Oscar 3, 1968
Kelley, Don, Oscar 3
Lahren, Lacey, Oscar 3, 1968
Maranda, Armand, Oscar
Oscar 4:
Keegan, Gary, CAC Oscar 4, 67-68
Quinn, James, Oscar 4
Oscar 5:
Gray, Raymond, Oscar (Khe Sahn), 1967
Green, Steve, Oscar Khe Sanh
Longaway, Russell Oscar, Khe Sanh, 67-68
Wyrwa, Lester, CAP Oscar
Oscar 6:
Terry, Jim, CAP Oscar 6, 67-68
Papa HQ: Cam Lo Village
Amodeo, Joe, Papa HQ
Beckmeyer, Fredrick H., HM3, KIA February 4, 1968, Papa HQ
Elliott, Tom, Papa HQ, 1967
Thomas D. Morton, Papa HQ
Schafer, Larry, Papa HQ, 1967
Papa 1: Cam Lo Village
Atwell, Ronald, Papa 1, 67-68
Amodeo, Joe, Papa 1, 1968
Beckmeyer, Fredrick H., HM3, KIA February 5, 1968, CAC Papa 3
Gosselin, James, HM3, KIA February 2, 1968, CAC Papa HQ< Cam Lo, Panel 36E, Row 072
Hindel, Michael J. Cam Lo
Hogaboom, Kevin Papa 1
Reshel, Mark Papa 1, 66-69
Ridley, Robert, Papa 1, 67-69
Stranahan, Mike "Skipper", Papa 1, Died October 23, 2001.
Whitten, John, Papa 1, 1967, Died, May 17, 2005
Papa 2/4: Trieu Ai Village, Phuoc My Hamlet(AKA CAP 4-1-1)
Abernethy, Bill, CAC Papa 2/4, 67-68
Andrews, Errol, Papa, 2/4
Bartos, Tom, Papa 2/4, 1967
Borich, John, Papa 2/4, 66-67
Borowski, Ray, Papa 2/4, 1967
Caywood, Keith, Papa 2/4, 1967
Ciallela, Jim, CAP Papa 2, 67-68
Cornwell, Mabon, Papa 2/4, 67-68
Duffie, Tim Papa, 2/4, 1967
Dunn, Owen, Papa 2/4,
Fournier, Stephen G, Papa 2/4, 67-68
Fox, John I, CAC Papa 2/4, 69-70
Gardin, Francis Wayne, Papa 2/4, 1967
Goldsmith, Rich, Papa 2/4, 1967
Gommel, Joel "Doc", Papa 2/4, 1967
Haddock, Brian,CAC Papa 2/4, 1967
Hall, Lee, Papa 2/4, 1967
Lefevre, Bill, Papa 2/4
Heimiller, Jerry, Papa 2/4, 1968
Klaric, Terrance Edwin, LCpl, KIA May 12, 1967, CAC Papa 2/4, Panel 19E, Line 090
Lefevre, Bill Papa 5
L'hereux, Paul, Papa 2/4, 67-68
Macdonald, Kevin, Papa 2/4, 1967
Prince, Phillip E., Papa 2/4, 1967
Presnal, Carl, Sgt, June 20, 1966, CAC Papa 2/4, Panel 22E, Line 023
Schultz, Terry, Papa 2/4, 1968
Scroggs, Larry, Papa 2/4, 1967
Shove, Michael, Papa 2/4, 1968
Smith, MacKinley, Papa 2/4, 66-67
Sorenson, Clarence "Moose", Papa 2/4
Tabor, George, Papa 2-4, 67-68
Vaxter, Robert, Papa 2/4, 1968
Wright, Ronald Lee, Cpl, KIA March 15, 1968, CAP Papa 2/4, Panel 44E, Line 060
Whitfield, John A., Papa 2/4, 1967
Papa 3
Banzal, Rick CAP Papa 3
Black, Mark Ryan, LCpl., KIA August 14, 1967, CAC Papa 3, Panel 24E, Line 108
(Mark's nephew, and namesake, Mark Ryan, would like to hear from anyone who knew his uncle. E-mail him at Mark Black)
Black, Pete CAP Papa 3
Cooke, Bill, CAC Papa 3, 1967
Duncan, Gene, CAC Papa 3, 1967
Elliott, Tom, CAC Papa 3, 1967
Flynn, Thomas, CAC Papa 3, 1967
Ford, Roger, Papa 3
Garrett, McClain, CAC Papa 3, 66-67
Hogaboom, Kevin Papa 3
Jones, Bob, Papa 3 Hill 55
Lefevre, Bill, Papa 3
Marceau, Eric, Papa 3, 67-68
Midcalf, Thomas Edward, Pfc, KIA May 15 1967, CAP Papa 3, Panel 20E - Row 002
Morgan, Frank, Papa 3
Palm, Edward, Papa 3, 1967
Parks, Ronald, CAC Papa 3, 67-68
Reaves, Jim., Cpl., KIA December 4, 1967, CAC Papa 3, Panel 31E, Line 038
Robles, Manuel, Papa 3, 1968
MOrton, Thomas D., Papa 3
Scroggs, Larry, Papa 3, 1967
Wagner, Duane, Papa 3, 1967
Whitten, John, Papa 3, 1967, Died, May 17, 2005
Willey, Tom, Papa 3, 1967
Papa 4:
Amodeo, Joe, Papa 4
Lefevre, Bill, Papa 4
Thomas D. Morton, Papa 4
Papa 5:
Annarino, Mike, Papa 5
Baldwin, David, Papa 5
Beckmeyer, Fredrick H., HM3, KIA February 5, 1968, CAC Papa 3
Goller, Jerry Papa 5, 66-68
Greenleaf (Sgt.) Papa 5
Hill (Sgt.) Papa 5
Knipe,Charles, Papa 5
Lefevre, Bill Papa 5
Parks, Ronald, CAC Papa 5, 67-68
Thomas D. Morton, Papa 5
Otto, Tom, Corpsman, Papa 5, 1967
Schaffer, Don, Papa
Papa 6:
Hatch, Danny, Papa 6, 67-68
Kiers, Charlie, Papa 6, 67-68
Parks, Ronald, CAC Papa 6, 67-68
Quebec AKA Bravo Co, 26Oct67
Quebec 1:
Fowler, George, Quebec 1, 67-68
Quebec 3:
Cashmore, Donald, Quebec 3, 1968
Chernault, Gene, Quebec 3, 67-68
Jenkins, Billy Quebec 3
Lagerquist, Vince Quebec 3
Patrikios, Robert, Quebec 3
Ruiz, Jose R, Quebec 3
Stafford, Bruce Quebec 3
Suiter, Dale
West, Dale M., CAP Quebec 3, 1968
Worthen, J. Quebec 3
Quebec 4: Hoa Hiep VillageAKA Bravo 1
Clark, Richard R. Quebec 4
McKinney, Michael L. Quebec 4
Quebec 5:
McClean, David Quebec 5
Quebec 6:
Jenkins, Billy Quebec 6
Patrikios, Robert Quebec 6
Quebec 7:
Greco, Ernie, Quebec 7
Maranda, Armand, Romeo
Romeo 2
Bennett, Donald Charles, Pfc, KIA February 29, 1968, CAP Romeo 2 (Panel 42E, Line 002)
Schellenberg, Gary, CAP Romeo 2, 67-68
Walker, Ken, Romeo 2
Romeo 4
Abernethy, Bill CAC Romeo-4 67-68
Romeo 5/6
Goller, Jerry Romeo 5/6, 66-68
Abril, Rudy, Sierra, 1968
Bowe, Robert W. Sgt., KIA May 3, 1969, CAP Sierra, 2nd. CAG
Hynes, Thomas CO Sierra CAPs, 1968
Katuzney, Mark J., Sierra
Sierra 1:
Copeland, Jim, Sierra 1
Crocker, Robert Sierra 1
Sierra 2:
Eaton, Ronald A. Sierra 2
Sierra 3:
Chambers, Dennis Sierra 3
Eaton, Ronald A. Sierra 3
Fish, Gary, Sierra 3
Viviano, Bob, Sierra 3
Sierra 5:
Adams, James, Sierra 5
Bangert, Joe, Sierra 5
Tango 4:
Quinn, James, Tango 4
Averill, Bob, CAP Tiger CO, 1968
Tiger 1:
Zeigler, Robert, Tiger 1, 67-68
Tiger 3:
Marceau, Eric, Tiger 3, 67-68
Tiger 4:
Ten Eyck, Frederick, Tiger 4, 1967
Tiger 5:
Flewellen, Russel P. II, CAP Tiger 5
Tiger 6:
Fierova, Rudolph R., Tiger 6
Tiger 9:
Fierova, Rudolph R. Tiger 9
Tiger Hotel 1-2:
Schmidz, John, CAP Tiger Hotel 1-2
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