Delta 5

Delta 5

Submitted by: Chuck Ramsey

Standing (L to R): Sgt. Vilhauer, Cpl. Logan, Pfc. Lopez, LCpl. Quintana, Cpl. Carlson, LCpl. Mc Donald, LCpl. McCarty

Bottom Row (L to R): Cpl. Reynolds, LCpl. McEvoy, Cpl. Ramsey (myself), LCpl. Aldrich, LCpl. Mc Garry, HM3 Henery.

The 3 in the picture are from left to right: HM3 Farley, Pfc. Shank, KIA (that's all the name I remember), and Pfc Glessing. I took the picture. We were getting ready to go on patrol at Delta-5.

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