CAP Echo Graphics 1

Echo 2, 3 & 4
Page 1

Submitted by: Mike "Tiny" Readinger

Sgt. Ramos inspecting what I think is a B-40 that a PF had captured from the river crossing. This is the pic that reminded me that the river crossing took place before the reaction force event. I'm almost certain that one of the other two members is Zawtocki, but not sure enough to put the name with a face. I am also almost positive that all three of these Marines were KIA in the reaction force.
Mike "Tiny" Readinger
This is Greg "Bac-Si" Gifford reading in our home-made NCO club. Notice the "gongs" in the background. Also, the record player. Damn record player took nine "C" size batteries! mike0003.jpg (27919 bytes)
This pic has Gifford in front, John Murphy on the right, and the back of Dennis on the left. Note that Gifford's bottle doesn't have a label...for a reason. Greg was a non-drinker, and a faithful Christian. He decided on this occasion that he didn't want to be the only one in the pics without a beer bottle, but the bottle was empty. The event was our visit from the "mystery CAP'er" from the Hotel unit that was over-run. This is the only legible pic that I have of Murphy.
This is a pic of approximately 80% of Echo-2. It was taken from our tower and is looking south across the river. Echo-4 was almost directly across the river from us. The two hootches on the left are our's and the PF's. The bunker just right of center is our radio command bunker.

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