CAP 4-3-4 Location
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Submitted by: Larry Konopka

From: Larry Konopka
To: Tim Duffie
Cc: Warren Smith
Subject: CAP 4-3-4 corrections
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 21:59:23 -0500


This letter is in regards to some mistakes on the website about CAP 4-3-4. I've discussed this with Warren Smith, and he agrees with me that he was mistaken (see letter below).CAP 4-3-4 Map I've also CC'd Warren so that if he does disagree with what I say in this letter, he can contact me, and we'll discuss it.

I was with 4-3-4 most of my tour, and I'm sure of the locations I've highlighted on the attached map.

Orange highlights were 4-3-4 AO at least May 1969 to Dec, 1969.
Dao Dau, Trung An, An Tru, Ngo Xa Tay, Ngo Xa Dong

Yellow highlights were 4-3-4 AO Dec 1969 to June 1970.
An Lu, An Phu, Thuong Trach, Dong Bao

Also see the " May 1969 Situation reports " which says 4-3-4 is located at YD 390 550
This agrees with the map and my location of 4-3-4.

Right: CAP 4-3-4 TAOR

Warren thought that 4-3-4 was located in Van Hoa. He was incorrect.
Van Hoa (1) is at YD 350 590
Van Hoa (2) is at YD 350 600
I don't know which CAP was located at Van Hoa, but it definitly wasn't 4-3-4.

If you can find the time ( I know it's in short supply ), please make the corrections. If I can be any help clarifying these locations, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Keep up the good work, Semper Fi,

Larry Konopka

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